Whoo Kid Set To Release 5 New Mixtapes
dam i fill ma guy i live n
dam i fill ma guy i live n omaha,nebraska & dats da only way i get 2 here ad tapes by yall release n em,
memph bleek sucks best of
memph bleek sucks
best of 50's gonna be corny
tony yayo is by far the worst rapper on this planet
buck is the shit
obie trice is hot as shit too
obies mixtape and bucks mixtape are gonna be the only good 1s the rest are gonna be so shitty

lol i wanna hear the yayo tape before i judge him but seriously i agree with the dude above...yayo is the crappest fuckin rapper out there he should find something he's good at. If the tape shows otherwise tho ill take that shit back.
I cant wait for the young buck tape...he could go so far if he was part of Sho'Nuff and not in G-unit.
I still dont understand the hype behind obie trice, i wish there was like a song that would show him at his best cos everything i've ever heard from him is mediocre at best.
5-0s tape will be interestin cos i wanna see if they put on all his club bangers, or try to show him as a lyrical dude. Either way, this will be the shit that his new album gets compared to.
Huh? Memphis Bleek? Dude never worked hard enough. nuff said.

I cant wait for the young buck tape...he could go so far if he was part of Sho'Nuff and not in G-unit.
I still dont understand the hype behind obie trice, i wish there was like a song that would show him at his best cos everything i've ever heard from him is mediocre at best.
5-0s tape will be interestin cos i wanna see if they put on all his club bangers, or try to show him as a lyrical dude. Either way, this will be the shit that his new album gets compared to.
Huh? Memphis Bleek? Dude never worked hard enough. nuff said.
Ill co-sign most of that shit.Yayo should retire

that obie going to be fire
that obie going to be fire

Yayo Is Fire !!!!!!!!
Yayo's shit is fire....Obie Trice is the most underated rapper who spits rapid fire.....Memphis bleek is comming this year baby 07 is his ...and young buck theres nuttin else to say mah ninja is spiiten the hottest shit from the south besides t.i. and luda cmon peoples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yayo may not be the best rapper out there, but he is very far from being the worst rapper on the planet or in the game for that matter. This is coming from someone that can't stand him, by the way.
That Buck mixtape should be interesting to check out. I'll keep an eye out for that.
If the best of 50 has his old insane lyrical shit, that could be a real banger.
I wish you guys will stop sleeping on bleek. He is gon come hard on this shit and thats the only one im looking foward to out of all of these. THem niggas yayo and trice are horrible. I aint really felling buck after he tried to go at wayne cause HE WOULD GET FUCKING EATEN ALIVE ask BG. ANd fifty always hot. ITS THE ROC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wayne may be better but buck
wayne may be better but buck wouldnt get eatin alive

Good Shit!
All of 'em are gonna be hot! I don't think Yayo's that bad man...I don't really care for Memphis Bleek but I'll give it a listen...Buck and 50 gon' come wit it though fa sho.

shit now i know y u hate on game u a bitch snitch cent fan...so no matter how much u know dat game is real u always gon hate. haha u da 1 sayin game aint real but u listen 2 50..GET DA FUK OUTTA HERE!! 50 is da fakest rapper dat ever came out...im not only talkin bout da fact dat he snitched a bunch of times n almost got murdered 4 it but also dat he his da biggest liar bullshitter ever.. he lie bout how many times he got shot n in interviews he sez he doesnt drink or smoke but in most of his songs he talks bout gettin high n drinkin in clubs n shit.u def cant say whose fake nemore cuz u listen 2 da fakest rapper.

who cares bout snitchin or not
fuck all i want is good music
i don't care if the nigga is real or fake .... as long as he's keepin feedin me more gangsta muzic and more gangsta music and more gangsta music i'ma cap his shit ......
hate it or love it das how i roll....... fuck the media and the behind the seen shit all i want is some good muzic period...
almost forgot fuck all the rapper's prostitute who jamps from rapper to rapper, just like a hoe who jump from dick to dick ... y'all pussy anyway so quit hatin and start givin some compliment.....
yeah i'm fly bitch!!!!!!!!

i feel u cuz
but yo they'll be just too many ppls who talk shit about each and every rapper out there i just don't get it if they think they all sucks why can't they drop they own shit so we can see what they're made of....... u dig?
u know cause to me if someone's sayin that i suck that's mean they can do better then me ..... or it's just me anyway das all i gots to say
yeah i'm fly bitch!!!!!!!!

Get Off My Dick!
u act like u know me dog...check it I'm from Cali, not far from Compton, we know about that clown game around here and ain't nothin' real 'bout that cat...now his brother is a different story, but game's a bitch homie. I know niggaz that know dude personally...don't believe the hype...at least 50 was actually in the streets and did street shit...call him what u want but to me 50 is hustler...and when it comes down to it, I don't really care what niggaz like u think, cuz I think 50's shit is hot...sue me!

u act like u know me
u act like u know me dog...check it I'm from Cali, not far from Compton, we know about that clown game around here and ain't nothin' real 'bout that cat...now his brother is a different story, but game's a bitch homie. I know niggaz that know dude personally...don't believe the hype...at least 50 was actually in the streets and did street shit...call him what u want but to me 50 is hustler...and when it comes down to it, I don't really care what niggaz like u think, cuz I think 50's shit is hot...sue me!

y u liein yo ass off
nigga game was shot over a drug deal by his customer 50 was shot 4 snitchin..every1 hustles now man i hustle so u should listen 2 me 2.. 50 cant even go 2 his own hood ne more cuz hed get murdered game in compton all day...50 always been a pussy he had a nigga protectin his ass his whole life...lil nigga half da size of 50 bang em smurf was 50s bodyguard when 50 was snitchin n doin "street shit" n smurf helps 50 make g-unit den 50 blows up smurf gets locked up n wat 50 do..he dont even bail out his protector n best friend outta jail cuz 50 rich n 50 got a lineup of his own bodyguards...thats fine u listen 2 50 aight man but dont b hatin on game when ur fav rapper is da biggest pussy bitch wanna b gangsta in da industry. 50 neva been a gangsta ever in his life he sold crack 4 a gangsta den he snitched on him n got him in 4 life. 50 a rat who cant even go back 2 his hood cuz not only iz mcgriffs niggas gon murder him his own boys wanna kill him. jada n game called 50 out on ppv 4 a mill 2 battle n fight but 50 pussied out so dont b sayin game aint real but 50 iz a real street nigga.

yeah i'm lyin' now...fuck nigga, believe what u want to man, I don't give a fuck, u a bitch anywayz...I can tell. and I never said 50 was my favorite, I just said his shit hot, don't put words in my mouth, just keep game's dick in yours and shut up already...keep on idolizing a clown if want to...your opinions are trash anywayz homie...how u gonna shit on Redman and praise game?! u must be under 10 years old...eat a dick and die, bitch.

u da 1 gettin childish cuz im right n u talkin out yo asshole...game is hard redman goofy like em...red was hot b4 i b dat...i dont even listen 2 game dat much i juz know he real n he hard. i only idolize pac cuz he da realist n best n i dont have opinions u have opinions i state facts.

just keep tellin' ya'self that homie...quit tryna prove somethin' 2 me...I don't give a fuck about your shitty opinions nigga

its only ME when da smoke clears
Buck n Trice
Most o ya on point man. Buck n Trice ll b fiyah...the rest is fucken homosexual bullshit. If anyone doubts Buck, go listen to his verses in Hate it or Love it (Remix) or Sleep w/ Chamillionaire n 2pac, if any1 doubts Trice, go listen to Cry Now or Adrenaline Rush. Those tracks are the dopest ive heard from each respective rapper.

Bleek the realest out of them niggaz
Niggaz please dont sleep on Bleek
Real recognise Real
thnx for it dudes
thnx for it dudes

r u serious
I like buck, but keep it real hes not even in the same league as wayne. Wayne could end his career. Ask anyone
$$knox tenn fo sho$$

i like buck 2 but wayne would lyrically kill ne1 from g-unit n most of da new skool rappers. waynes voice flow n lyrics is orginal n sick wayne dont bite but niggas bite waynes lyrics. wayne started bling bling n drop it like its hot n bg n snoop bite n get credit 4 it.

that's cool u like Wayne, I
that's cool u like Wayne, I think he's aight, but he don't give me that feelin' like Bucks shit duz...Waynes for new school niggaz anywayz, I don't really fuck wit too much new shit...I kinda stopped at G-Unit...even though Wayne isn't a new artist, he didn't always have that style...u talkin' bout peeps bitin' wayne...what about wayne bitin Jay? u know it man...

wut bout jay stealin jaz's flow n bitin biggie, snoop, ice-t, big l, n pac who hated da fuk outta jay n nas dats y dat jay n nas beef started cuz nas couldnt take da fact dat bleek n jay bitein off of nas lyrics n gettin famous off dem...dead predidents made jay famous n jay took dat off of nas n bleek got famous off of bleek is n he also took dat from nas. jay is wack n fake as fuk 2. wayne bite sum lyrics on mixtapes dats cool but jay has no mixtapes jay bites lyrics on all his albums n makes millions n hits off of other rappers hard work. n juz like 50 jay backstabbs his best friends jaz who taught him everything n how 2 rap n backstabbs dame who made jay rich n started rocafella. dont even talk ne good shit bout 50 or jay cuz dey r da worthless n sleeziest multimillions in da music industry.

wow! struck a nerve huh? I don't need the runthru about Jay man...U said Wayne's flow is original so, I said wut about him bitin jay...that was a question regarding weezy, not jay...so all that jay talk wasn't needed...basically I was sayion how is weezy's flow original when he was publically praising jay and totally adopted his style..."u niggaz get so emotional, u remind me of bitch"-50

no way
weezys flow is nothing like jays at all jay sounds like hes got a cock in his ass n weezy got a sick ass raspy voice then weezy switches it like every other track..dats original..weezy didnt adopt nuthin..no1 sounds like weezy at all..every rapper bites some1 but some make a living off it like jay..y u bitein 50 now?

u crazy dude...
u crazy dude...

You guys have to start writing out words, some of that shit is absolutely ridicilous. How can you take anyones argument serious when u talk l/k dis.
Bucks tape might be hot, the best of 50 will be pretty weak but will have some good tracks. Obie's tape will be hot fire. Tony Yayo will be absolutley trash and smae goes to Memphis Bleek, heir to the shitter.
And Redman is the shit.
and I stay high and I still got my diploma and I still get that maggie on me like homer
The fuck.
So is nobody else going to point out that Whoo Kid JUST FUCKING RELEASED a best of 50? Seriously, it just dropped at the very end of last year.

the first 1...
...was supposed to be his "hardcore shit"...with some of his early work on there. but i reckon this is gonna be a RnB sorta massacre appoarch...you know with the whole hoes and white/glitterly girly theme to the cover...

more i think about it, whatever they put on this 'best of' is what they want you to compare his new album to
either way its not going to be anything that special, maybe it will have a lil preview of what his new approach for the new album is like

i thik if yayo doesnt just
i thik if yayo doesnt just sing about p*ssy and money he could be aight
i never heard bleek so i dunno
if its the best of 50 cent it will still suck
obie and buck will be hottt
isnt lebron james on the buck mixtpae?

bleek is ok and yayo is ok
homie, are you actually saying 'yes' to a basketball player being on a mixtape? let alone a buck tape? when's the last time you heard "fire" from a baller? shaq's solo album's gotta be #1 on your shelf in that case dude. And as for saying gayo is ok, I honestly can't remember the last track I actually liked/listened to that I liked from him and didn't laugh at his corny ass...anyways i'm not really trying to chirp anybody about this but seriously get your musical priorities straight. and does anybody know when that obie tape hits the streets?
DAMN i heard they cancelled Obie b/c of some crappy regulations but the rest are comin soon.

memph's & Yayo's are already
memph's & Yayo's are already out!yet no 1 has uploaded them!! what the fucks the deal wit dat!?!?2GUNZUP!!!

Check www.mixtapekings.com
Check www.mixtapekings.com and they have em there...
- DJ Whoo Kid & CNN - Back On That Q.U. Sh*t
- DJ Whoo Kid & BG - Champion
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- DJ Whoo Kid & DJ Kay Slay - The Best Of Saigon
- Best Of The West Vol. 4 (Hosted By DJ Highrolla)
- DJ Whoo Kid & Archie Bang - 2010 Nothing To Lose
- DJ Whoo Kid & Waka Flocka Flame - The Turn Up Godz Tour
- DJ Whoo Kid - Lloyd Banks: Mo Money In The Bank Pt. 5 (The Final Chapter)
- DJ Whoo Kid & Lloyd Banks: POW Radio Vol. 7 (Best Of Lloyd Banks)
- DJ Whoo Kid & Snoop Dogg - Sunday School
how about the actuall tapes??? they were released yest.