DJ Whoo Kid - Lloyd Banks: Mo Money In The Bank Pt. 5 (The Final Chapter)
01 DJ Whoo Kid & Lloyd Banks - Kill A NY Cop (Intro) 01:19
02 Lloyd Banks - All Mighty U.N.I.T. 02:40
03 Lloyd Banks - Show Time (The Game's Over) (Dissing Game) 03:33
04 Lloyd Banks - Time To Chill 02:29
05 Eminem - Speaks (Interlude) 00:51
06 Lloyd Banks - Reppin Time 02:50
07 Lloyd Banks - NY NY 01:49
08 Lloyd Banks - Get Yo Guns 01:30
09 Lloyd Banks - On My Hip 01:47
10 Lloyd Banks - Mary Jane 01:24
11 Lloyd Banks - Body Erasers Skit 00:19
12 Lloyd Banks Ft. Tony Yayo - Show Discipline 02:37
13 Lloyd Banks - What Y'all Wanna Do 01:39
14 Lloyd Banks - Ride Slow 02:16
15 Lloyd Banks - The Flow 02:09
16 Lloyd Banks Ft. Tony Yayo & Hot Rod - Black Superman 03:35
17 Lloyd Banks - Help 03:47
18 Lloyd Banks - Clipz 01:28
19 Lloyd Banks - Make A Move 04:36
20 Lloyd Banks - Born & Raised 02:00
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LLYOD BANKS is the muthafuckin wack assed dumb ugly faggot bitch cocksucker ass nigga fuck him and g-unot except fif. and fuck game. its the ROC hOOOOOLLLLLA!!!!1
nigga i said except fifty
nigga i said except fifty that is why

do u have nothing better to
do u have nothing better to do fuck seriously buddy is this all you do during the day in your moms basement?
yo banks
stop dissin the game you wack bitch banks you aint even on his level

this time tomarrow..
...its typycal that millions of game fans will be dissin the fuck outta this mixtape...i was syked to c this...gave it a quikc listen. but nuttin reli stood out...sadly...part 4 was better...mayb i sud listen to it properly...probz up the upload mfizzel...
man this cd is sick,
man this cd is sick, Born&Raised REAL nice, NY NY one of the hottest beats I've heard, I've heard it before 50 spitting his verse of Gangsta Shit from Beg 4 Mercy on it with Eminem. But this tape is fire.

time to chill fuckin forget
time to chill fuckin forget about it sickest shit ive heard in months

really though? I was
really though? I was listening to the new Nas album earlier .. and this mixtape had me bangin my head more than that garbage. If you arent feeling this mixtape - you arent a fan of the Unit. I saw Banks in Hollywood @ the House of Blues a few weeks ago and he shut that shit down.. even had the fucking bartends bouncing their heads - this mixtape is crack

been listenin to it "NON STOP!!!"...
... ahaha. its grown on me, i think its better than pt.4 wat yall all think?!?!
HAHA!!!! Better than Hip Hop Is Dead????
Please that cd is near classic, and you're going to compare a mixtape to it. Please man, Nas' cd is for the intellectual hip hop head. You shouldn't be banging ur head to Hip Hop is Dead, not that type of cd. Peace

wassup85 can suck a dick
yes, Nas's album is complete fucking trash... and you know it. You are also 100% correct, NO ONE should be banging their head to Hip Hop is Dead, because that nigga Nas killed it with his wack bullshit he thinks is hot.... I love the mainstream dickriders who only shout Jay Z Nas Biggie and Tupac.. grow the fuck up and stop trying to hate on other people for not listening to dude who were hot 15 years ago
Ignorance from an Online Thug
Hip Hop is Dead is Nas' third best album (illmatic, it was written, hip hop is dead), better than most of the garbage that came out this year. Act like you know me and what I listen to.
Hip Hop is Dead, yes the title of the album perfectly describes the mood of the cd. And please list your favorite artists please, if your taste in hip hop is so refine.

get off your shit
Im just some grimey nigga from New Orleans, who gives a fuck who I think is best
Nas is garbage and so is his "3rd greatest album"
music is about personal tatse and opinion, what YOU think sounds good... I dont feel that bullshit, at all.... dude married some fucking crack whore, signs with Jay Z and makes some bullshit claim - and we are supposted to agree with this nigga? please - he hasnt done shit since Belly
Nas and wassup85 can suck a dick

ay one20se7en
one20se7en if you really on some grimey ish like you say, hell if you like rap regardless of all the bullshit like you say then have an open mind and give nas a chance. Light up a joint and listen to "just a moment", "everybody wants to rule the world", "Life's a bitch" and "Reason" and even "Coon Picnic" (do coon pic only if you're black).
If you really get up in that shit and let the words and the world slow down for ya it'll all make sense.
Then listen to a banks, hot rod, bow wow track or Hot97.
Only then try 'hip hop is dead' again and let us know if that shit makes sense now. If it don't, you shouldnt be listenin to rap, and may as well listen to g-unit for the rest of your life.
been waiting for this
been waiting for this mixtape forever, PROPS MY DUDE.
Banks ain't bad
I never really minded Banks, his verse on Hate It or Love It Remix was Crazy (actually errones verse on HIOLI cept Yayo was dope) but Game is easily better and for Banks to Diss Game, its pretty funny.


hell yeah
More power to ya wassup85. I hope this dude shows up more often when we see these fuckwits typin shit like
LlOyD BaNkS iS a H0Mo r@pper fU*k aLl y'AlL \\\---/// sTfU zOmg LoLZ U r @LL n00b5.
Shit, am i gonna hate on him for doin that? Hell no, yas need to stop it with the capitals, e-thug spellin, and your lil symbol shits so i hope he has a go more often
BTW this mixtape was absolute shit but thats just cos it aint my thing and in my op banks flow is weak as hell. Get it if your into G-unit but not into good rap

banks is the best lyricly in the snitch-unit, nobodys fukin wit him, rotten apple is a classic beta then that shit game put out, i dont kno why most rappers gotta rap about the bitches and jewlry they got in every song wen the idiots make it possible by buying there cds i say fuck that and download it all, its better wen ther not so rich and rap about real shit like old school nas but nas's new album is wack as fuck the only song i could listen to a few times was qb tru g's and money over bullshit

Y'all better Recognize!!!
Yo this is another hot tape from banks n whoo kid the whole money in the bank series has been dope! Banks n Game got Beef that runs deeper than game n fittys beef. the main reason why game was dropped from G-unit was banks n game beefin. the game diss is hard nice flow with a straight new york beat no commercial shit just grime on the mixtape! Fuck all y'all dick ryders n haters. dope mixtape propz to the uploader! peace.
Dickriding or Hater???
Its always "ur a dickryder or a hater cause u dont like Banks" Banks is mediocre at best. If Banks puts out something good I will give him credit. People need to stop with this hater shit, its called an opinion grow up ppl
And Time to chill is solid track

M-O-S-S-I-D-E how is it an
how is it an opinion (wassup85) if u writin G-unot over it or G-Unit that means u a Dick Ryder coz they aint no Gangstas on here nigga.

heard mos ov it b4
wasnt worth the wait.he fip out on ny ny & black superman.overall mixtape was alright,not better that pt.4 or 3 4 that matter.sound like he goin at dipset on reppin time beat.n e body else think so?

^ill pay that lol, though i wonder if it comes in a g-unit background.
In fact, 50 should just get it tattooed on his face, and you know its true. Dipset are better rappers, but they on the same level as g-unit when they sell their souls for some record sales and thats pretty fuckin low.
Ice Cube was right about the new rappers: most of em are sellouts tryin to paper their way to pussy and killin hip-hop. Banks just another crap rap artist - nothin special, and g-unit's poster boy for some kinda lyrical skill

it should b a pic of jay in da background wit iBullshit to sell records. dude alwayz bullshitz bout how "good" he is n people hear him sayin he da best he king n dey like hmmmm i guess he must be since he alwayz sez it n nobody until cam n da dipz start tellin u da truth. how cam n dipz sell records by beef. cam was famous 2 da tru hip hop heads from children of da corn n 2 da industry from horse & carriage, what means the world, oh boy, hey ma not no beef song n jim came popular from certified gangstas, summer in miami, we fly high once again no beef song. Beef trax were there to speak da truth it was personal not no records.. man dont u think dey woulda beefed a long ass time ago if money was da case. dipz work hard on mixtapes grindin jay juz getz rich liein dudez a lawyer not a rapper. jay makin money selling his imagine "a self proclaimed king mc" not his lyrical ability which he gotz NONE.
I dont know why your hating
I dont know why your hating on the guy becuase he thinks hes the best, or the king or whatever u were saying. Hes entitled to the way he feels about himself, just like how TI claim he da king of da south, scrappy is da prince, like who the fuk cares. No1 beleives dat there the king or watever no1 even beleives george bush is da damn president..ur rite cam had hot tracks before da beef, so did jimmy, but the point is they started ther beef wit jay around the time there albums were coming out. Jimmy even said somethin on 106 n park like he thanks jay for the reply cuz it made him even more big, Just like how 50cent thanked him CUz they know ther own fukin shit cant take them to the top without havin BEEEEF wit jay. Every1 wanan hate on Jayz n Nas but when all dese fukin lil gangster rappers get older there gona end up being the same way

i aint disputin dips tellin the truth bout jay, but rap is not about beef and when that shit becomes the focus of your raps, its only done so as to get a launch into mainstream markets as some kinda hardcore mutha who destroyed all other rappers. Juelz be the only dipset rapper i respect because he keeps his style and his topics and sticks with em puttin a message in every once in a while. Point is, g-unit (mainly fiddy) launched themselves in with beef and mainstream appeal and that shit dont last as long as real skill and mainstream appeal so thats why hip hop will piss on their grave. Suck it, banks
hey i just got in from
hey i just got in from college someone seed me!!
bunch of fucking handicaps
if you don't like banks your a dickryder or a game fan or some shit? maybe some people hate on his ass cause hes wack as shit just like 5-0 and the rest of his fag ass camp.

Fuck all Y'all... Game, Banks, Fitty all rap tight! FACT
N e 1 with BWS, G-unit or stopsnitchin as a name need to get a reality check "u aint a gangsta" fact!! ill tell y'all another fact too Game, Fitty, Banks are all multi platinum artists who made it big in hip hop thru lyin to everyone. fitty lyed about the circumstances from when he got shot. banks acts like he was a dope boy but he wasnt. and game is just a pinnochio mutha fucka. if u were that gangsta u wud b in jail or dead if u were from queens or compton.

Jay-Z lyrically better than dipset, dipset spit the truth tho!
and as for jay and dipset! i gotta say jay always been the better rapper. dipset spittin the truth right now and jay shud of never come back. but dipset aint ever gonna run shit with there weak ass camp. M-O-S-S-I-D-E

man whutchu sayin bra dipsit been runnin shit b4 no1 knew now dey got every1 sayin dipset n winnin awards jimmy gotz his we fly high all ova football n basketball...jay gotta pay millions 4 beer commercials n otha advertisements. whut otha group betta? da only other competion is d-block but u dont hear d-block bein said. there r hunz thouz gangstas whutchu think dey all in jail? naw nigga dey in da streetz gettin papea. fif n bankz aint no gangsta but game iz sez so on his neck he certified.

that they all might be fakin some shit? yeah but even you lie on your resume
that they all rap tight? hell no, and comparin banks and fiddy to game is like comparin preschoolers to their teacher. The last track fifty spat anything hot on was Hip Hop (diddy diss) and that shit sounded like a ghostwriter. Game done more for rap and hip-hop in 2 years than g-unit done in 5 years.
i hate to tell you this kid but no one on this site is anything remotely gangsta and if you think you are you're a little faggot.
ggg unit is dieing where the buzz yous keep talking about
so banks fifty saved you again on this mixtape he gunna run out of ryhmes than what yous gunna do..? although its the best thing in like a year to come out of the g unit camp
already did
he cant rhyme gunit with gunit many more times.
Banks should have relesed
Banks should have relesed the Big Withdraw, it was 10 times better than rotten apple. this mixtape is pretty good, i think he murders the Game lyrically but doctors advocate was beter than rotten apple

no fuckin way
rotten apple was much iller than docters advocate and the docter made sure of that. the only track in the docters advocate that i could play ova again an again was remedy and he had to get that beat off public enemy but rotten apple had much more playbillity like change, gilmores, stranger, know the deal, get clapped & rotten apple. the big withdrawl was hot he shud have released that instead tho. this mixtape wasnt worth the hype i thought it would be better
mixtape is sick, lloyd banks
mixtape is sick, lloyd banks is sick, g unit is sick good job on this
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Yo big propz got to finish collectin hey can u upload 1-3 of lloyd banks mo money in da bank.