Spider Loc - Ova Kill (Game & Messy Marv Diss)
UPDATE: NOT a E-40 diss
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2 bad game already fuked spiderman up n buck aint nearly lyrical enough 2 end ne1z career. da whole gunit 10-15 deep couldnt end gamez (1 man) career matter of fact game fuked all dem up n gamez da reason y every1 in gunit aint sellin shit ne more. so u can say game is slowly ending gunits career by himself. spiderman cant even rap dude needs 2 focus on his new movie comin out cuz hez a good actor.
wack shit.
buck aint gonna end games career, only person in g unit who is on games level is banks and hes been wack lately,
in my opinion banks needs to leave g unit and go it alone i think he would do so much better
Please, Game's wack as shit
Please, Game's wack as shit

what has game put out thats
what has game put out thats wack all his albums and mixtapes are fire the whole youknowwhatitis series is fire including the last one

uhhh no... maybe to YOU that shit is hot
but here on the west coast, we dont bang faggot ass Gayme

uhhh no... maybe to YOU that shit is hot
but here on the west coast, we dont bang faggot ass Gayme
You serious bro? I have peeps who live in Cali and everyday they're bumpin Game

serious, nobody bangs Game
serious, nobody bangs Game around my area. they did maybe like 2 years ago, but all my homies ain't feelin that new album and def not feelin' that new mixtape

game was hot on the streets when he released his live from compton cd. the feel of the album was all gangbang. thats what shed some light on him. but when he joined with g-unit, etc, the quality turned more commerical, name dropping, etc.
westcoast does not bump new game......

cali is like da biggest state so jus cuz 3 people n a few of dey friends dont listen 2 game i dont think dat counts as da WHOLE WEST. im from da west ill admit i dont bump game as much as i used 2 but dats cuz there r all dez sick fresh2def new artists out n makin fiyah mixtapes n dey debut album comin out i jus aint got time 2 listen 2 game. but game still killed da whole entire gunit in youknowwhatitis vol 3. haha dey tried gettin back at game wit like a 7min track n i dont think dey mentioned his name once n dat was weak ass fuk. game did i think it was a 15 min track BY HIMSELF destroying all of gunit n all of gunit combined couldnt make half of dat. i dunno how many times game gon embarass gunit..i guess 50 gon try 2 go back at him cuz he recruited like 10 mo people. dats jus mo beef on games dinner plate.
i'm from cali
i'm from cali and i don't know anyone that bumps his shit anymore. if g-unit is commercial rap, game is the new commercial rap. he ain't bringing the west back because he's rapping and beefing like everyone else in the industry the ONLY difference is he's from the west. that isn't original he could be from anywhere and do that shit. for all of you that g-unit is going downhill you're right but so is game. and dank96 you say you live hip hop but how can you say that and love a guy that drops names on every song and disses one group so much that only dickriders pay attention to it? i could set my watch to a game diss they come out every week. g-unit is done and game isn't to far behind.

game brought da west back. b4 game west was sleepin den game came around n da west woke up. snoop said it himself n den snoop n game had dat west is back concert n dogg pound reunited n all dese west coast artist came back. how can u not like game. he singled handledly killed all of gunit on 1 track. who else was doin 300 bars jus str8 dissin. all of gunit deserve 2 get dissed non stop cuz dey all start beef wit every1. game namedropping jus means hes bein real other rappers be talkin he/she dat but u dont know who da fuk dey talkin bout. da beef was ova but guint likes smackin lil kids n beef wit anybody when dey bored. game aint goin ne where.
brought the west back?
just cause snoop said he brought the west back don't mean anything. he's one artist and if he truly brought the west back people wouldn't sleep on other west coast artists. i like game but he is way overhyped mainly from himself. and game didn't kill anybody. people still listen to g-unit. their numbers dropped alot but they still have a huge following. same with game. banks buck and game's sales all dropped. but that don't mean anything cause all rap sales dropped over 30%. and the name dropping means that he associates himself with people that you like more than him (dr. dre).

witout game
witout game there neva woulda been da bring da west back concert n more people got familar wit older west coast artists cuz of dat. snoop woulda still been doin only pop n r&b tracks but snoop came back alil on rappin again. well no rapper ended any rappers career unless dey killed dem. jarule still rappin so it has never happened. wit da game disses n when people found out bout da real 50, gunit lost alot of dey listeners. id rather here name droppin den talkin bout somebody n namein no names. so wat he idolizes dre, dre's da 1 who got him in da rap game n got him off da streets. game jus started 2 rap n he got signed right away hes not even dat experienced in rap yet.pretty much every rapper been rapperin as kids or teens but game started at like 23.
snoop stopped doing pop tracks after his album with pharell was commercial as hell. that wasn't his shit(clipse, kelis and slim thug left pharell i bet game did that too) and you're right i bet 50 isn't as gangsta as we thought but i ain't going to believe game's bipolar ass. he isn't authentic. he says one thing and changes the next. and you don't turn on your idol and then drop their name. and if i can remember right game started rapping late but signed to aftermath before 50. they pushed 50 because he was em's protege and was more marketable.
Biggest State?
California is not the biggest State
Look at a map.
much respect for game

but on da real
aint nobody in da planet feelin spider not even 50 daz y u prob aint ever gon c a spider album. maybe spiderman 3 da soundtrack but no spider loc.

dank96 can suck a dick
yeah... thats why they have are about to release the first single "Blu-tiful world"
Spider Loc's album "G Unit Crip " coming soon
now shut your fucking dumbass up, you obviously dont know shit

one20se7en licks g-unit ass juices
dey been sayin spider album comin soon 4ever but no1 gives a fuk! dat shit aint never goin gold. da 1 onez dat will buy a spider album (if there ever will b 1) is doze hardcore gunit fans dat obvioulsy dont rap if it was tatted on dey nuts or clits.
Game is a better rapper and
Game is a better rapper and lyrcist then the whole guint put together times ten... only one in guint thats tyte is buck and hes gonna leave eventually.

Game the fake biatch
Game would'nt b Game without Gunit, his song styles r just the same a rap wiv a catchy sing along hook, he is just as much a commercial bitch as 50. the doctors advocate was a pile of shite, game tried to make it sound like a dre album same type of beats same style of rap but he failed miserably, game just trys 2 steal other peoples styles an make it his own, the man is not a writer he's a biter. how does anyone take him seriously the man is a joke!
hmmm ok
it really sounds like the old dre listen to imagine and see how different they sound i thought he was trying to sound like dre but its quite a way off and the album i thought was good the doctors advocate with busta was fire and why you hate the game theres loads of good songs you just listend to it once and thought i dont like this thats what most people do you have to listen to songs 3 or 4 time to see if its good so you can take in the lyrics instead of the hooks

game part 2
who in gunit has done over 300 bars solo?! NO1! who can do 300 bars in gunit? NO1! matter of fact all of gunit combined couldnt do 300 bars. also how many rappers u know did over 300 bars solo?

dumbass nigga
you are a fucking male groupie to the MAX
in here, defending faggot ass Gayme like its your fucking job
you are pathetic... I love how because 50 and them CHOSE to ignore Gayme, you start yelling out " WHO CAN DO 300 BARS?!?! ONLY GAYME !! ONLY GAYME!!! '
fucking faggot

one20se7en is a pathetic lil gunit groupie hoe 2 da maximum
how da fuk am i a groupie i barely listen 2 game n game aint even on my top 25 fav. u obviously r a gunit groupie dick sucker cuz u defending a bunch of niggas dat lie 2 u bout everything. if u listen 2 gunit ur livin a lie. dont b mad cuz nobody in gunit has bars like game dont b a jealous hoe. face it dicksmoke u listenin 2 rappers dat no1 respects or likes. n u callin some1 a faggot when u know he aint gay. u should b callin yo homie banks faggot cuz he makes gay porn yadigg. n u know 50z yayos hoe cuz 50 buyin yayo huge diamond earrings n cute braclets. i bet dey have a huge gunit gangbangs n orgys while listenin 2 olivia. n dats pretty cute (gayme) wat r we in fukkin 1st grade u should b atleast in h.s. 2 b speakin here. can u even buy parental advisory cds yet?

So y'all love game, huh?
Game is a monster lyricist, but he is not an MC. He has lame stage presence, and cannot move
a crowd. Not being MC's, I'm sure a bunch of you can't even relate to what I'm talking about. That is what I say about studio, cyber-gangsters, hustlers, busters. Continue to play your position, at your keyboard.

I didn't listen to this, but
I didn't listen to this, but how can anyone diss e-40?!?
and I stay high and I still got my diploma and I still get that maggie on me like homer

What da fuk iz u talkin bout?
a crowd. Not being MC's, I'm sure a bunch of you can't even relate to what I'm talking about. That is what I say about studio, cyber-gangsters, hustlers, busters. Continue to play your position, at your keyboard.
How da fuk can The Game be a monster lyricist and not be an MC. Do u know what an MC iz u lame, KRS One, Big Daddy Kane, Rakim, Kurupt (Dogg Pound), Big L, Ice Cube, Immortal Technique, Saigon, Living Legends, Dead Prez, Big Boi, B.I.G., Papoose, Nas, Big Pun man these niggas are lyricist and some of the Greatest MC's. Stage Presence have u actually seen The Game in concert man this dude gives it everything, have u ever seen niggas like Jay-Z or 50 Cent in concert, man them fools hold no stage presence yet they are established artist. Music right now is mad wack and depressing so when an artist can command a song for 15 minutes straight that hold some lyrical content, that is a real MC. The ability to story tell wit songs like "The Doctors Advocate" man that is a lost art form. Learn your music before u talk shit homey, and sound retarted by contradicting yo self. Fuk A G-Unit and any dick ryders that haven't seen the demise of G-Unit yet, open yo fukin eyez. Comin from a real nigga from South Central Los Angeles, Lates
game doesn't have stage presence. he did a small show at a club in orlando and alot of people left. he then bet some dude to race him in finishing a bottle of alcohol to get people to stay. no lie the club was club firestone in orlando look it up

Play yo position silly ho
As Rakim would say "It's not where you from, but where you at". I ain't even gonna waste time really getting on you like I should, cause you sound like a bitch, from so. central. Incidentally, I'm from NJ, ain't into spider loc, who I understand is from cali. I'm wasting time responding to u, but like I said, play yo position at your keyboard, continue to be the cyberspace gangsta ho that u be. I would and should call u a "nappy headed ho", but I ain't gonna do that. Oh yeah, I'm a blackman; and u are so lost.

Dawg don't waste yo time, keep them pink shirts poppin
Obviously u care if u keep comin back. Its funny how many dudes hate on the game yet waste time posting a comment. Cyberspace gangsta i aint my nigga because imma say the real aiight u pink fluffy cape wearin trick. I can't stand hearin ingnant ass peoples u undadig so just "play yo position" in dirty jerz man u really ain't even worth my time dawg. Fuk Spider Loc too that nigga is a bitch talkin bout 50 like his daddy i cant stand dick ryders. Lates
Yall wanna see a good concert in cali, peep the "Rock the Bells" concert wit Cypress Hill, Wu-Tang Clan, The Roots, Rage Against The Machine, the Hieroglyphics, Public Enemy and many many more comin in August. Keep the real music alive fuk this commercial pop/rap bullshit!! WALK THAT BULLSHIT OUT
shit is hot, better then his
shit is hot, better then his last diss.. Smurf kills it
why dis nigga dissin E-40 n messy marv for??
dissin on e40...wow u kno thiz nigga spider loc iz jus a bum now hes goin ova bored..lol 40 oz shouldnt even waste his time killin thiz nigga 4 realz...game jus gonna make a foool outta thiz nigga then he gonna go back 2 fuckin up gunit 1 by 1...
JUST GOTO http://www.spiderloc.com/talk/index.php?topic=14643.0

Alright, first off, Spider
Alright, first off, Spider really aint all that great in what i've heard so far. but I'll give this a try and see what happens, see if its any good.
You all are fuckin crazy. why is everyone doin this whole, "Ohh... 50 is a bitch, all you G-unit dickriders"? or then we have the "Game brought the west back! he a real nigga from the streets!"
Its all BS. yea he may of done some small street shit, both of them, maybe 50 did snitch, who cares? the dude was lookin out for number 1, and dont tell me the majority of everyone wouldnt do that?
anyways, you all read way too into this stuff, when it comes down to it, its just music... thats it. Not guns, drugs, war, and killin. just words
the way i see it, the only person thats tellin things like it is, is Fort Minor. the song cigarettes.. listen to it, its truth.
And dont even give me crap for listenin to him, who cares if he is asian, he can rhyme. and thats all that matters, he makes good music...

50 a snitch
not maybe 50 DID snitch thats y he got shot up n left 4 dead. i care n i think most people do n should. i cant stand a fukkin snitch there a waste of life. how can u listen 2 some1 talk all dis gangsta shit when u know dey lien n worst of all dey snicthin!? if u dont do gangster shit den dont talk bout it cuz its like 50 a scifi writer not a rapper. ne1 can rap if u can lie ur ass off. ud hear justin comin out gangbangin shoot yo block up glass dick shit if u can lie ur ass off. i cant associate wit snitches n i dont wanna hear wat dey haveta 2 say snicthin is somethin u dont do n datz a common sense law. if 50 went 2 prison dey would finish da job.
calm down dude
then why do you love the game so much, and seriously dude it sounds like you wanna suck his dick

sounds like u got a couple dicks in yo mouth
c da thing is haters n 50cent ass lickers gon make sum shit up on da game. wat proof u got game fake. there r records of proof 50 a fake ass niggga. but game hard n game is real u jus got a collection of gunit dildos under your bed n u like 2 pretend gunit runs trains on yo ass. i told yall i dont even listen 2 game dat much but im not a hater 4 no reason n im not a dum fuk who think game is fake. how does game lie? 50 even lied bout how many times he got shot cuz he a wanna be pac as nigga. game bangs game kicks ur fav rappers ass in clubs n smokes how does game lie? stop watchin lloyd banks gay porn n stop thinkin bout tappin gunit ass n you'll understand somethin. awight lilboywizz n wat da fuk u some kinda dungeon n master fairy princess wit da wizzard shit, u shouldnt b talkin bout who real or not when uz into dat fairy magic wizzard type of lame nerdy shit.
what makes me laugh
is when you see ppl saying "fuck 50 hes snitch" and all that type of stuff, i bet half of the ppl saying that dont even know why he got labeled
a "snitch"
it makes me laugh
"know you work out chest and your back all nice, but the 12 gauge will have your 6 pack on ice"

50 snitch
got dat label cuz he snitched on big time supreme dat he was sellin crack 4 him n supreme was killin people n 5-0 (not 2 b confused wit cent)took dat as evidence n dat was enough 2 lock up supreme 4 life n supreme put a hit on 50 but dat nigga still livin n supreme made threats on killin his ass n 50 wit da 5-0 2 make sure supreme stays in prison. n 50 goin around talkin shit 2 every1 startin beef wit every1 when nypd got 50z back but just in case 50 lives in hardcore coneticut. n if 50 is caught in da queens alone 4 a min his ass would get smoked. dat pretty sums it all up.

east coast fans will love this one
DJ Messiah: Number One In The Streets
stupid shit
to whoever sayin the game da only guy dat made 300 bars in the industry and shit yeah da game tight as fuk, but guerilla black-400 shots is 400 bars so who cares how many bars is in shit its music. listen to who you want to dont say dis nikka wak or dis nikka aint shit who gives a fuk its not your music.

learn 2 read foo
i said no1 in GUNIT has or could do 300 bars. i never said no1 else cant or didnt i said how many rappers u know did? u named 1 outta thousands good 4 u. doin a crazy long track witout bullshit hooks n goin wit a few beats its not an average rap song so it does matter how many bars cuz it shows talent instead of doin 16z den hook 16z den hook.... 16z aint hard 2 do at all but goin on 4 10-20min is hard.

This here is what Hip-Hop/Rap is.. tru shit here
Man I love this rap game
Mainly cuz its cool
To add a little spice to the life you've been through
Everyone exaggerates a tiny little bit
To make that shit sound more gangster than it really is
You cant appear weak man
We wanna hear street
Wanna hear you spit your thug over this here beat
Dont take it as sarcastic
I can't get enough
Im telling you
You can call my bluff
If it's not rough, then I really don't need it
I'm not even ashamed
I got too much reality thats filling up my brain
so sell me on that chronic, I'm addicted to the game
Suck it up like a cigarette, light it up
Its just like a cigarette, its something that I do
Once in awhile but between me and you
Its just like a cigarette Nobody's really fooled
I dont want the truth, I wanna feel fucking cool
Let me tell you something that I realized tonight
My hip hop radio is like marlboro lights
They're both selling stories and they sound about the same
Cigarettes say their safe, wrappers claim they really bang
We dont care if it's true when we lay the money down
We don't believe the words, we just love the way they sound
They're acting like we're idiots, They're lying to our face
Maybe we are idiots, we buy it anyway
I'm runnin out to get the next rapper's CD
Just suckin up the guns, drugs, and misogyny
The same way that I suck up all the stories
When I breathe that little bit of death supposedly cancer-free and
Everything they say's got the truth twisted up
But twisted up's what I want man, I can't get enough
Cuz even though we know it's all just a big bluff
We just light another up, what
We don't give a fuck
Its just like a cigarette, its something that I do
Once in awhile but between me and you
Its just like a cigarette Nobody's really fooled
I dont want the truth, I wanna feel fucking cool
Its just like a cigarette, its something that I do
Over and over but between me and you
Its just like a cigarette Nobody's really fooled
I dont want the truth, I wanna feel fucking cool
Listen to the words, Listen for awhile
Lip Service radio, dont touch the dial
If you're in the car
Turn up the track man
Give the whole neighborhood some second hand rap
Matter of fact
Listen to the words, Listen for awhile
Lip Service radio, dont touch the dial
If you're in the car
Turn up the track man
Give the whole neighborhood some second hand rap
Its just like a cigarette, its something that I do
Once in awhile but between me and you
Its just like a cigarette Nobody's really fooled
I dont want the truth, I wanna feel fucking cool
Its just like a cigarette, its something that I do
Over and over but between me and you
Its just like a cigarette Nobody's really fooled
I dont want the truth, I wanna feel fucking cool
- Game - 240 Bars (Spider Loc, G-Unit Diss)
- Lloyd Banks - Trapped In Hell Vol. 1
- Young Buck - Bitch Boy 2 Feat. Spider Loc (Exclusive NEW Game Diss!)
- Game - 360 (Brand Spankin' New DISS TRACK)
- DJ Dirty Money Presents Young Dolph Vs. Yo Gotti
- DJ Warrior , DJ Woogie & Spider Loc - Bangadoshish 3
- DJ Decko & G-Unit - The Wire
- Kochece & Gutta Muzic Present D-Block - A History Of Violence
- DJ Rick Lee - Recognize The Bay Vol 3
- Spider Loc - Toe Tagz (Game DISS)
- Spider Loc - No Talking (Game Diss)
- Spider Loc & Papa Smurf - Here Is What They Think About You (GAME DISS)