Lil Wayne - Top Back

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its real hot
well worth downloading
thiiisss jaawnn is sooo fukinn good
it reminds me of tha knuck if yu buck freestyle. FIRE
This shit is straight fire
Down Low
this shit is ridin! Wayne sound like a Drunk Jamaican

WOW! Dis Shit iz flame! Tru
WOW! Dis Shit iz flame! Tru Steelz

so anyone know when Da
so anyone know when Da Drought 3 drops? I NEED THAT MIXTAPE!!

not sure when it drops, but
not sure when it drops, but when it does, it will be free at weezy said he's puttin all his new mixtapes on there to download free from now on. The website is kind of bare right now tho

facke ass nigga
without Gillie there'll d be no wayne ...
wright ur own shit lil nigga!!!!!! stop payin some ghost writers to write ur shit
yeah i'm fly bitch!!!!!!!!

gillie aint write shit in a while 4 wayne n wayne is hot as ever n da shit he wrote 4 wayne wasnt nearly his best....wayne has sooo many trax its not even funny man. wayne does write his own shit cept 4 maybe a few trax b4 compared 2 hundreds of trax wayne has. lets not 4get wayne da originator of bling n drop it like its hot. n wayne always sounds good n gillie will never get anywere cept 4 mixtapes.

chill chill gillie wrote a
chill chill gillie wrote a punchline book for wayne and i'm sure he's still usin that punchline book and plus why do u think he haven't reply to gillie's fronttin like ur dady and by the way weezy did kiss baby. and we all know that baby ain't his dad ..... anyway to me a nigga who kisses anotha nigga ain't no a gangsta but a fagot ass nigga u dig? how u gonna explain kissin a man? even if u squashed the beef i ain't touchin ya hand
yeah i'm fly bitch!!!!!!!!

u still on da kiss
birdman is basically his stepdad baby took him in as a kid n made weezy a multimillionaire. u c all athletes in all diff sports kissin each other after championships n playoffs n shit n i know dat all dese athletes aint gay n i know weezy aint gay. i neva would kiss another man but dats wat sum niggas do 4 mad love...u c mobsters kiss each other instead of handshakes n dey aint related n da mob is more gangsta den any gang in da world so y dont u go 2 sum italian mobster n call dem faggots n c if u live n u can c if u really can fly bitch.

but they don't kiss on the lips do they?
kissin on the lips i've neva seen that b4 then those niggaz must be some of those who swang both wayz .........
cause where i'm from no nigga kiss anotha nigga why kissin a nigga when there is lots of bitches who wanna test my big lips nawha mean? i guess that's just me ,but yeah i listen to weezy too, but the thing is he ain't real, but just what eva he does eather is payin a nigga to write his shit or to hook him up with some puchline i mean he got a talented lyricist on his side but too bad we ain't sure who he is but shit i bet if he that dude focus on his own shit he'll be bigger then weezy and his fuckin baby ...
yeah i'm fly bitch!!!!!!!!

Ya'll kno them or somethin??
I mean for real. You two are goin back and forth over the internet arguing about how weezy has a ghost writer and he's a fag, and no he's not and all this other shit. If you were fly, then u would have photographers followin u around snappin pics of u all the time. And then they would probably get atleast one picture of u in an "iffy" position. That picture is one of those tabloid type of pics that was shown all around cause it can be interpreted in a lot of ways. How do u kno gillie wrote a punchline book for wayne? Did gillie say that? I wonder why he would say somethin like that....and wayne's fake? look at gillie, got caught with like 90 pounds, and he's still walkin the streets?? sounds like a snitch to me...fuck gillie he aint shit. even his dis song was corny, thats why he didnt get any response

stupid fuck
i dont c polish or irish men kissing its only french n italian its not a european custom. i never said weezy n baby mobsters idiot. athletes kiss on da lips 2 n so do italian mobsters n dats dat so u u wanna call weezy a fag 4 kissin baby who is weezys stepdad den u callin all dem faggots 2. n weezy has a better reason 2 kiss baby den athletes cuz baby made weezy a multimiollionaire n gave weezy cashmoney n athletes jus win a championship. n dey all kiss on da lips n ur a homo cuz u keep picturing weezy n baby kissin...does dat turn u on?

aint no gangsta in this nigga!
Dis REAL TALK RIGHT HERE, this mofucka aint no gangsta!
Thats the "man" that calls his ass the best!!! God damn..

i've neva saide i was a G u bitch
i just don't believe in gangs
but if someone star shit with me best believe i'ma defend my self
with what eva nugga i don't need no crew to roll with me cause i think that's straight up pussy.....
and as we all know most of them talk shit when they are sirounded by a group but cat em alone in the street they don't want nothing but peace and a hug.... foufou ass nigga
oh yeah that bitch weezy started to rap at the age of 13 i mean how gangsta is that 13 years old u must be hook on some shit cause weezy is just like bow wow period
yeah i'm fly bitch!!!!!!!!

dats da stupis shit i heard
how u gon say weezy like bow wow...bow wow was makin little girl music n r&b n tries 2 b gangsta. weezy didnt goto puberty yet n rapped n sounded hard. as a teen weezy started da whole drop it like its hot n bling phrases.. n i know u used bling in ur life n everywhen did. dose teardrops arent 4 decoration either man dey either mean dey killed some1 or some1 close 2 dem been murdered. n baby said dose teardrops r real.

u mofucka betta chill!!! SUPA DUPA must be the most stupid nigga around here!!!! Heres some news for ya, WASNT TALKIN TO U FOUFOU MOFUCKA!!! When i was sayin this nigga aint no gangsta i WAS TALKIN ABOUT WEEZY ! Next time betta put your glasses on and pay more attention 2 what others sayiN!!!
you wouldnt kiss the man who
you wouldnt kiss the man who made you a famous millionaire?
and if you still think ghillie is writin for wayne then you dont know shit.
Ya dig?
Reppin CTown

is this nigga Suppa Duppa
is this nigga Suppa Duppa Fly serious?
Gillie the fucking child? when that NIGGA can sell his OWN records
then talk shit
that cat is broke as fuck with stomach pains, trying to say he "wrote" lil waynes shit
fucking faggot
man gillie only wronte for
man gillie only wronte for da carter 1 anythang afta dat was all weezy...if gillie really worte for weezy like he said he did then why isnt gillie selln shit..instead he wanna diss weezy all da damn time...and da reason weezy neva replied is bcuz he 2 bizzy makin dat money..gillie aint gonna make him no money so why waste time adressin him...he jus doin it to get some attention..jus like B.G....bcuz neitha one of em is selln shit and jus mad bcuz cashmoney is makin money afta they left
Gillie only wrote SOME shit
Gillie only wrote SOME shit 4 da carter 1 erythang afta dat was all weezy..aint nobody ghostwritin 4 him...ig gillie really worte 4 weezy like he said he did then y isnt gille selln shit? why is gillie still broke? and da only reason weezy aint dissn back is bcuz he 2 damn bizzy makin money...gillie jus lookn 4 attention jus like B.G. be doin...bcuz dey not selln shit..anytime somebody ask weezy about gillie da only thing he says is "who is dat?" he not even on weezy's radar..if weezy started goin back and forth wit dat nigga or B.G. weezy wud end carreers...when b.g dissed wayne on dat fireman beat(wack) he even said weezy cud spit..but i do think he's a lil fake bcuz he got teardrops but he said he aint neva killed nobody and he always say he got shot like somebody else did it but he really shot himself when he was playin wit a gun...
Stop hatin
niggaz need to stop hating on wayne.cuz u dont like the man dont mean u got to hate on him .top 3 in the game right now like it or not. he puts out shit consistently more than any other rapper. Tha Carter 3 is the most anticipated album o7. Niggaz aint fuckin wit him.
YO EVERYONE THAT COMMENTED THAT WEEZY DIDNT RESPOND! YESS HE DID, ITS CALLED "About All That" featuring Fatass Joe. Surprised none of u heard it cuz its on DJ Scope's mixtape "North Vs. South #2" which was prty popular. So go listen to that shit n stop saying he didnt reply to Gillie. BUT i might even be wrong, cuz Weezy doesnt say shit about Gillie on the whole song, except in the chorus he just says, "ur not really bout all that." I dunno the song says (Gillie Da Kid Diss) but weezy doesnt diss him much on his verse. well anyway yea Wayne is fuckin nuts.

Weezy just soaked up game from him and Hova. No one "writes" his shit. There's a big ass difference. God, all these damn hatin ass niggas act like someone can't mature as an artist. Gillie left him a punchline book? lol, that's some funny shit.

lol no shit - where do these
lol no shit - where do these niggas come up with this bullshit?
Julez should diss the fuck outta Gillie and end his shit right there

gillie buck bg juve vs weezy
obviously gillie, buck, bg n juve r nothin but haters cuz dey all mad dey got kicked out of cash money. baby spend all his time on wayne n it was well worth it cuz weezy is 1 of da hottest out n wayne has accomplished way more den gillie, buck, bg n juve combined. weezy has way more fans den any of dem n works harder n den any of dem n has way more money den ne of dem n is ceo of cash money n young money so weezy jus laughin at dese niggas dissn him. plus since da suppossed gille ghost writting ended weezy been hotter den ever so prob weezy got sick of gillie weak ass lyrics n told him 2 fuk off. n none of dem were testin da thug in weezy when dey was wit him den baby aint give a shit bout dem cuz baby spent time on weezy so all dem got jeolous n juz plain out hatin dats dat. none of dem r or ever will b as lyrical as weezy. i aint bein biased cuz i listen 2 all of dem alil n none of dem on weezys level dey have better shit den weezy b4 tha carter but since da first carter weezy been sick n wayy better den ne of dem n dats da truth! respect dat n face it otherwise u juz hatin like dem!

yo yall dudes are crazy i
yo yall dudes are crazy i see one guy sayin gillie only wrote for some of the carter and that gillie cant sell his own records. Bitch if gillie wrote some of the carter that record sold somethin he could have saved them for himself.and dude talkin bout its ok for athletes to kiss on the lips. any man whether athlete or rapper who kisses on the lips is gay. stop frontin'. i cant believe this is a conversation. half yall dudes on here sware to be underground. lil wayne is one album away from bein commercialized. where as gillie the kid is one of the hardest in the game he raps his way the same way he been doin since the 90's cause thats what he does he never switched his style. he could rap like wayne but thats not him he got comfortable makin raps for wayne and then shit got fucked up wayne dont want it. gillie has more crdibility than any of you know. you just dont want to believe cause you wayne fans. wayne will fade out again then you dudes will be likin someone else. top 3 rappers- hahahahahaha he a nut.

oh yeah p.s. bitches you
oh yeah p.s. bitches you need to stop basing your opion on mixtapes just on this website between gillie and major figgas i got about twenty different mixtapes shit you never heard come to philly everyone knows gillie he been on the radio for years just cause they dont play a niggas tracks on your hoods radio stations dont mean its not playin somewhere else.

its like dis
i neva said it ok 2 kiss guys i aint neva did dat but athletes do it n family does it. jus cuz dey kissed a guy dont mean dey shovin cox in asses. n so basically if a team wins da world series dey all turn gay so i dunno how many str8 atheles r in da mlb prob juz da cubs i guess n every1 else is pretty much gay accordin 2 u. i've seen it in da superbowl n nba too so i guess most athletes r faggots right? u jus stickin up 4 gillie cuz ur obssesd wit philly rappers n gillie calls himself king of philly so u gon b on his cock. waynes da 1 who dissed gillie 1st n kicked his outta cash money so ofcourse gillie gon b hatin. wayne aint gon nowhere man hes everywhere now. gillie aint neva gon make it n i hear he gon b wit gunit so i know his album prob neva gon come out like mos da ppl 50 signs. how is gillie da hardest out hes dork n a junkie who hides behind da scenes. when gillie was wit weezy dey was hatein on bg den weezy kicks gillie n gillie claimin bg is street n hard n weezy a phony gillies 2faced. if he wanna b known he betta switch his style cuz his flowz r borein str8 up put some1 2 sleep. every popluar rapper has commercial songs but da difference wit weezy is weezys 16 always sound good.

naw i aint on gillie's nuts.
naw i aint on gillie's nuts. maybe i do love philly rap cause there is so much of it and that's what we listen to when were chillin playin madden thats on the box, when were in our cars thats on the box, or hoopin thats on the box. i got love for all rappers everywhere though. i might be alittle biased about them. but thats what im reppin. and i see people talkin shit thats why im talkin. and you just got things mixed up why do you try to always mix shit up. its fact he's kissed him on the lips '' THE LIPS, THE LIPS, THE LIPS, THE LIPS. it just aint that pic either he did that shit on BET to. athletes dont run around kissin on the lips hahahaha yo thats funny "whoo hooo boys we did it we won the super bowl come here give me a big wet one." hah aaaaa. mafia, athletes etc. may kiss on the cheek not on the lips buddy. you need to check that shit. and yes in a year or to some rumors will start about weezy or he will just fall off and you guys will be ridin someone elses nuts. Ill always respect gillie and listen to him like i have the last 15 years.

gillie def is a hard cat
gillie def is a hard cat theres no doubt about it and ive been livin in philly 4 a while now and his name def rings bells around here. Like Irishmafia said he is on the radio here all the time but 2 me lil wayne has been killin it recently and i gotta give credit where credit is do and irishmafia u could post those gilliedakid and majafiggas mixtapes and let some these cats listen 2 gillie then maybe they will see the skills he got

i hear you ima try to get
i hear you ima try to get those up. also im not denying weezy has done way more and had more success.gillie only came at weezy cause weezy started that shit then it escalated. gillie was chillin though. whats he gonna let weezy just drop him and let him talk shit. na man he's gonna come rite back at him.

yeah post them up cuz let gillie be unleashed
let gillie be unleashed so these niggaz can have a seccond thought... i've been on these site for more then a year and i've seen a lot of rappers prostitute who jump from rapper to rapper i think they pussy nigga just like a hoe who jump from dick to dick
yeah i'm fly bitch!!!!!!!!

yea it was dumb of weezy 2
yea it was dumb of weezy 2 come at his own ghostwriter 4 no reason n gillie is a hard ass dude

since gillie left weezy been makin better trax n got more popular so its good gillie left. what makes gillie hard cuz he talks hard he jus actin man daz it i havent heard n gangsta or stret cred bout dat nigga cept he a junkie.

see thats what im talkin
see thats what im talkin bout gillie been in the streets, he has plenty street cred he is the king of philly in this rap game. he's not the best rapper from philly i feel there are few that are better i think sigel is the best rapper from philly ever. but gillie has been doin this for years puttin these mixtapes in the streets when camron jayz all them dudes was just startin out and they were fresh on that underground level we was feelin it but the main cd's in the box had somethin to do with gillie or the figgas. the only reason he's claimin this shit now is cause weezy dissed him he's been fuckin with cash money for a minute and never said shit. when weezy said fuck you gillie said fuck you back and now he's exposin him. so i wouldnt expect you to nothin bout it . maybe in your hood you got someone spittin that your proud of and you rep and i dont know shit about him but i dont talk like i do thats the difference. gillie aint a junkie neither ill admit he is a weird lookin dude and hes skinny and all but he's always looked like thats him. at least he dont look like a chipmunk with a dirty mop on his head ahahaaha E A ALL DAY. you keep sayin hes better without gillie ok. well once someone is know to get a little help with there writing how much of it do you know he actually wrote. maybe he got a new ghostriter better then gillie. at least we know gillie is writin all his own shit EA ALL DAY

i heard all dose mixtapes man n if gillie been ghostwrittin 4 weezy i havent seen dat crack dat gillie supposedly wrote for wayne on his own shit. y hasnt gillie made ne sick lyrical trax...i bet if gillie ghostwrote it was 1 of dose trax dat every1 skips. carter 2 was all weezy n dat is his most lyrical n best album n it was done witout gillie so weezy def better off witout him. n if gillie wrote 4 weezy which trax is it? he neva said which trax or anything? how u gonna say he ghostwrote n not know which trax? is gillie ashamed dat dose trax aint make da cut or r da worst trax on da album or sumshit. weezy been comin out wit way more trax n mixtapes since gillie so all dat ghostwritten was bullshit or it couldvae been acouple trax das it. weezy wasnt feelin gillie n told him 2 get lost n been doin much better witout him. if gillie ever had skills he lost it all cuz all his mixtapes suck dick. n he on bgz dick now.

fact man
i seen athletes kiss on da lips dats a fact n i seen italian familys kiss on da lips like father son cuzin n all dat shit.weezy n all dem neva made out dey jus kissed man u see actors do it on tv 2. weezy was prob dunk n baby gave him cashmoney or acouple mill n man baby adopted weezy so they r stepfather n stepson. obviously dey get along well n dont fight n baby took him in when weezys father left as a kid. if a man turned u from a poor lil kid slangin 4 bread n made a multimillionaire superstar u gon b much happier den any athlete winning a championship.

dank just let this one go
dank just let this one go bud no one will think less of you. if ya just bow out of this gracefully. you usually have some good points but just let it go if you want to say gillie sucks and waynes the man and all that go head that's your opinion. but there is only one opinion here its either gay or not gay there is no halfsies gay or not. to be fair ask someone in your home rite now just a random person sittin on the couch or something say "Yo have you ever seen to grown men kiss on the lips after a sportin event, mafia, tv show, conecert a fuckin majic show whatever." to men kissin on the lips is homo. you even noted he could have been drunk thats no excuse boss. thats when the truth comes out

gillie a bullshitter
i jus read an interview gillie did n gillie was asked which tracks he ghostwrote 4 den gillie said i helped wayne wit a bunch of trax den gillie was asked 2 b more specific n name a few trax den gillie got upset n couldnt name 1 track. so its all bullshit man gillie aint write shit he might have throwin in acouple verses on a track but gillie never wrote a whole track 4 weezy. weezy was prob askin 4 opinions n gillie gave out sum but gillie aint write shit 4 wayne. da only album gillie been wit cashmoney 4 was tha 1st carter so anything b4 n after was weezy. kissin a man on da lips is a homo thing but it dont make u a homo man. if its family its not as homo as athletes doin it. watch sports man n ull see men kissin on da lips after a world series or somethin. ive seen it in pretty much every world series. tommy lee literally made out wit his band memembr n no1 called him out 4 bein gay but weezy juz kisses once n da nigga gay....weezy been goin out wit trina n has kids n baby has kids...i dunno if know dis or not but kids can only come from a women so weezy n baby had 2 fuk girls 2 get a kid.. n fukin girls isnt gay all dese gay fantasies all u people have on dis site bout wayne given a kiss 2 baby gotta stop. n weezy is always fuked up man i rarely see him sober matter of fact i dont think weezy ever sober in public n gillie even said weezy always fuked if weezy n baby were gay dey wouldnt have kids by bitches n trina wouldnt b goin out wit wayne u guys jus wish wayne was gay so u can hate on him more n yall juz listenin 2 niggaz dat hate on weezy daz it. listenin 2 a hater makes u a hater so give it up. when a white man kisses a man it aint gay but when a black man does it its gay n dats how da media takes it. like i said there r photos of tommy lee makin out wit his band memebr n no1 said hes gay n weezy juz gives a kiss witout huggin or holdin hands wit his stepfather not a stranger like tommy n weezy gay.
Whoa, hold up...
Juvie got kicked out of Cash Money??.... That is like saying Cube got kicked out of N.W.A.
Juvie felt he was being cheated and left CMR.... I guess the courts agreed b/c he sued them for Tewnty Million, which is why Cash Money was almost bankrupt and Wayne went on the Roc Da Mic tour (I think it was that one) wit Jay and toured for free just to keep his name out there, and kiss Jigga's ass so maybe he could be signed to Def Jam.(that 2nd part is opinion)
BTW Juvie > Weezy
Wayne is extremely overrated

what da fuk u talkin bout
juve tried suein cash money a bunch of times 4 like 4 or 5 mill n failed every time. cash money was never ne were near bankruptcy u jus pullin dis shit out yo ass man?! dont b postin sum bullshit

dats ur opinion id agree juve's early albums r better den weezys early albums but since da 1st carter wayne had sooo many mixtapes n is jus 2 lyrical 4 juve. but juve does make good music im not gon hate on dat. weezy is jus everywhere now all over mixtapes n every1 else's albums.

Cash Money been losin all
Cash Money been losin all there artists they lost almost all the hot boys they even lost manny fresh something is goin on wit cash money they doin really shady business and werd is baby cant walk down magnolia without cops on his side he aint safe in his own fuckin city

1 mo thing
weezy kissed baby in front of a bunch of people so if dey was gay y would dey kiss openly infront of every1? dats childish shit it reminds me of junior high when every1 was say u gay no ur gay no ur gay n dat lame shit.

yo i had trouble keepin up with all that hahahaha who the fuck kissed each other after the world series please show me a video clip and ill shut up or a pic or a news article. and with tommy lee who cares he can be a white homo- he's just looked at as a crazy white boy wayne is posin as a thug a fuckin tuff guy thats his image sorry kissin dudes discredits you in that field. what is you talkin about man i know you must have got dizzy when you just typed that humpty dumpty riddle niggas heads are spinnin write now you probably had to proof read that thing thing like 3 or 4 times and it still aint makin sense. ima let you in on a secret there are bi sexuals in the world to all your facts are basin it on one or the other im tellin you let it go. ima keep comin back at you forever i know ill win this argument cause everytime you write back your leanin more and more this way.
- Tapemasters Inc & The Empire - Who's Got The Crown?
- The Hot Boys - Official White Label
- Lil Wayne - The City Is Mine Instrumentals
- DJ Trigga - Jay-Z vs. Lil Wayne
- Lil Wayne - Unreleased
- Lil Wayne - Haemoglobin (My Flag Red)
- DJ Whiteowl & Lil Wayne: New Orleans Nightmare 7
- DJ Whiteowl, NY CEO & Lil Wayne: New Orleans Nightmare
- Trap-A-Holics , Lil Wayne & DJ Thoro - Louisianimal 3 (I Am A Beast)
- Lil Wayne - No Ceilings No Walls 4
- DJ EFX & Lil Wayne - Before The Carter Vol 2
- Kochece Presents Juelz Santana & Lil Wayne - From 911 To Katrina
hot ?
this track hot ?