Gyasi Omari - The Waterkid EP


01 The Waterkid
02 Old Shows That, I Miss
03 Away So Long
04 Back Words (Freestyle)
05 How She Dance
06 Gyzz
07 Run Til I'm Done (Featuring Dujon)

waterkidep.torrent22.92 KB

more neo r&B Toronto muzaaak

more neo r&B Toronto muzaaak

He be doin his thing, tight

He be doin his thing, tight cover
gucciandkush's picture

cover is dope

are these all freestyles?

this shit takes forever to

this shit takes forever to download
ktakatheo's picture

REAL TALK, Goes Hard

Eyo, Your song "Gyss" goes hard - its simple and authenic the whole time, but its not braindead. I think it could rock the clubs hard (if its not already ovr there). Wouldnt mind at collabo remix at all, but I wanted the song for me least. Let me know and talk business. BLESS "Loyalty: if it is true, it covers all the things people long for - love, trust, peace, accountablilty, honor, respect, and grace. If I can have but one thing, may it be loyalty." - Kris Thomas