Ty Boogie & DJ Fade - All Star Blends Pt. 2
01. DJ Premier - No Talent Required 0:48
02. Stephanie Mills - Something In The Way 4:16
You Make Me Feel B/W Mos Def - Sex,
Love & Money
03. Debarge - I Like It B/W Big Noyd - Air 2:45
It Out
04. Jade - I Wanna Love You B/W Blu 3:45
Cantrell - Breathe
05. Mary J. Blige - Real Love B/W Chubb 2:32
Rock - Just The Two Of Us
06. Blu Cantrell Feat. Sean Paul - Breathe 2:41
B/W Horace Brown - Taste Your Love
07. Mary J. Blige - I'm Going Down B/W 4:05
Rich Boy - Throw Some D's
08. Janet Jackson - That's The Way Love 3:29
Goes B/W Loon - Down For Me & Pharrell
- Frontin'
09. Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner B/W Mobb 1:11
Deep - It's Mine
10. SOS Band - Just Good To Be Me B/W Mobb 1:19
Deep - It's Mine
11. Sybil - Walk On By B/W LL Cool J - 2:14
Pink Cookies In A Plastic Bag Getting
Vrushed By Buildings
12. Usher - Think Of You B/W Fabolous - So 3:05
Into You
13. Tammy Lucas - Is It Good To You? B/W 2:18
Eric B. & Rakim - What's On Your Mind
14. Jody Watley - Friends B/W Method Man & 1:59
Redman - Da Rockwilder
15. Meli'sa Morgan - Fools Paradise B/W 1:50
Bionic Booger Break Beat
16. DJ Ty Boogie - Intro/Who Wants To Be A 0:44
17. New Edition - Once In A Lifetime 2:14
Groove B/W Black Rob - Ready
18. Janet Jackson - Alright B/W Bubba 2:54
Sparxxx - Ms. New Booty & Lil' Kim -
19. Jade - I Wanna Love You B/W Method Man 2:56
- I'll Be There For You
20. The Controller's - Stay With Me B/W 2:52
David Banner - Play
21. Janet Jackson - If I Was Your Girl B/W 2:12
Remy Ma - Conceited
22. Tyler Collins - Girls Night Out B/W 1:06
Busta Rhymes - Touch It
23. Too Hype - Intouch B/W Busta Rhymes - 1:37
Touch It & Diddy - Come To Me
24. Michael Jackson - Remember The Time 3:02
B/W Diddy - Come To Me
25. Michael Jackson - Rock With Me B/W 2:13
T.I. - Why You Wanna
26. Jade - Don't Walk Away B/W Lloyd Banks 2:26
- On Fire
27. Next - Wifey B/W 50 Cent - Disco 1:18
28. Channel 2 - I'll Be Indept To You B/W 3:31
Baby Girl
29. Jahiem - Just In Case B/W Pimpin' 2:55
30. Gregory Abbott - Shake You Down B/W MC 3:59
Shan - The Bridge
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allstarblends2.torrent | 32.53 KB |
"up on the latest R&B then you must be gay."
callin me gay for NOT being up on the latest RnB... in your words, THIS IS WHAT FEMALES LISTEN TO, so if ur not a bitch then u just called urself one.
Youre damn right, one you
Youre damn right, one you could never get at that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
well u rly shouldn't have
well u rly shouldn't have taken anything i said offensively lol. i was just talking about GUYS that listen to this shit. but if ur a girl then i dont really gives a fuck. my bad bout that.

You must be a dam faggot, do you F*&K your Bi$ch while playing DIPSET.
Lame arse KID
ur the kid here son.
You must be a dam faggot, do you F*&K your Bi$ch while playing DIPSET.
Lame arse KID
lol look at this kid, the site doesnt even bleep the curses out, but he does. talkin about fuckin bitches, u must be 5 years old, whats the problem ur mom don't let u curse?

i'm that nigga that don't
i'm that nigga that don't really give a fuck yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i aint dissin ne dudes listenin 2 r&b but i cant stand r&b..i think its rap music 4 girls...u dont c bunch dudes screamin n crying n yelling when bow wow or usher or omarion or ugly ricky r on 106 or u a pure queer. all r&b talks bout is love n das it. girls bump dat shit if i ever hurd a bunch of dudes in a car bumpin some omarion or bow wow id laugh my ass off. da guy r&b singers r talkin strictly 2 girls n girl r&b singers r also talkin 2 girls so all r&b singers r mainly talkin 2 girls NOT guys. if u in a ride n yo chick driven den i guess ur forced 2 listen 2 it but when im wit my chick n im driven i would NEVER EVER put ne r&b on. if yall wanna get romantic wit a chick or sum mussy shit u put on sum kieth sweat or older r&b not dem lil 17yr r&b singers. dats juz my 2sense.
Real Talk.
^^ dis dude DANK knows wat he's saying

oh fuck off
all u lil kids talkin bout how rnb is for soft cunts or queers, face up and realise sayin that shit don't make you any more of a thug. Most of you motherfuckers are just saying it to make yourselves look more gangsta on an internet site, and really, no-one gives a shit. You're using a computer in the first place so you aint any harder than rev run on a sunday. R&B is black music and half you motherfuckers dont even understand the ebonics in rap anyway and just listen to it to make yourselves feel tough or n*ggerous so how bout you take a nice big cup of shut the fuck up and chill out cos no-one cares if you think r&b is shit.
Mixtapes was made for DJs and these R&B tapes break out the new shit before it hits radio stations, just like the rap tapes, and that's all their about - downloading only certain tapes does not make you any more gangsta so quit with that shit already.

hotChoklat - real talk
Could not have said it anymore better myself

i dont listen to r&b that much....
but thinkin that if u listen to some "gangstershit" makes u gangster is like watchin a fuckin jet li movie to get some kickass martial art skills...
aww shit.
Mixtapes was made for DJs and these R&B tapes break out the new shit before it hits radio stations, just like the rap tapes, and that's all their about - downloading only certain tapes does not make you any more gangsta so quit with that shit already.
1. DAMN, i should have just kept my mouth shut, look at how many people got offended when i said sumthin.
2. not really trying to make myself look like a thug/gangster, but if thats wat u'd like to think then be my guest. I kno im white n im not tryna make myself feel "niggerous" by listening to rap
3. "take a nice cup of shut the fuck up" -sorry didn't know u'd get so offended by me saying fuck RnB.
4. In my opinion (i shoulda said that on my first post) i still think r&b is for girls, thats y when these guys sing, they sound like them.
5. if anyone is the e-thug here its u (HotChoklat). who's the guy that has to pop off on em like crazy when he sees someone's comment that he doesn't like? (example: ur comment right here)
well anyway, wouldnt u rather listen to some good old Marvin Gaye or some good shit like that?
tru Marvin Gaye hits the
tru Marvin Gaye hits the spot- but throw on some r&b with a chick----- its on and poppinn
shit isnt gay- just a preference

Talkin bout they dont listen 2 RnB...WHO THEY KIDDIN!! There aint nuttin gay bout listnin 2 it!
Regardless of all the
Regardless of all the bullshit on the top, Cheers mate, for posting up the mixtape!
I just listen cuz I enjoy music if you don't like it don't listen to it you missin out though, like I hate Dipset and think they are bitch-ass hoes and they might have something I like but I'll never find out cuz i ain't dloadn any of their shit.

HAHA u think dipset r a bitch ass hoes but u listen 2 a bunch of pussy whipped ass niggas who start crying on dey trax cuz dey bitch fukkin dey neighborhood. i bet atleast half dem rnb niggas gotta b gay n u know dey all pussy n soft. n i know dis cuz sometimes im forced 2 listen 2 dey whinning n bitching on da radio, tv or when im wit sum hoes. n da worst part is when dem soft rnb niggas try 2 rap n act hard like bow wow, pretty gay ricky, tyrese n every1 else. id honestly rather listen 2 50cent den listen 2 sum rnb nigga tryin 2 rap.
i don't listen to rnb exclusively I seed almost all the weezy torrents. I just don't listen to dipset at all and grew up on RnB alot of the young artists are weak but you can't hate on people like john legend. And nobody start comparin jim jones to john legend please.
just chill
why is it that so many people talk shit? yeah, so what, this guy doesn't like what you like, and you don't like what they like; who gives a fuck.
so did anyone actually listen to this mixtape? any good?
and yeah, i'm expecting some one to leave a comment under mine tellin' me to "shut the fuck up", so don't bother tellin' me twice.
- DJ Smooth Denali - RnB Classics 19
- DJ Ty Boogie & Mistarello.com - Blend Brothers 2008
- DJ Ty Boogie - Blend City Vol. 18
- DJ P-Cutta & DJ Nina 9 - Michael Jackson Tribute: Remember The Time
- DJ Keyz & Splash - 100th Mixtape: Blends Edition
- Smooth Denali - The Coolout 4 (80s Baby Edition)
- DJ Knucklez - Secret Session R&B 21
- Ty Boogie - Im So 90s
- DJ J-Boogie & DJ King Cyrus - Blend Nation (456 Throwback Edition)
- Sinister Shan - Must Be The Music 3 (Classic R&B Bangaz)
- DJ Triple Exe - Retro Gold 3
- DJ Jaycee & Michael Jackson - The Soulful Years
Fuck this RnB shit yo its
Fuck this RnB shit yo its just wasting room. this shud be a strictly rap site, i dought anyone downloads this shit. AND IF U DO, I HOPE FOR UR SAKE THAT UR NOT A GUY.