Young Buck Ft. 50 Cent - Hold On (Non Album Version) (Cam Diss)
Update: Looks like there's also a video for this (props NahRight) (You can also download the track via torrent below)
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holdondiss.torrent | 2.81 KB |

Video & Song
More like the video and the song are trash 50 go back to making love songz for them bitches. GGGGGGG-UNOT
lol... Yeah the song isn't
lol... Yeah the song isn't too good but the best part: "Cam, you makin' Harlem look bad... riding around in a fuckin pink truck"

its a diss song?
what did he say about cam, beside tha end - Fatman Scoop said it best, 50 song are only good because the shit he says at the end.

dis aint even a diss track jus 50 talkin sum weakass shit at da end. dis is da kinda a video g rap or kane make not no gunit troopers. cam sold da pink range years ago 50 musta made dis track in '03 n so wat cam likes pink its jus a color 50 likes snitchin n police n dats bitchmade shit right there n lets not forget 50 wears female tanktops n dats gayer den pink anyday.
Cam had the pink range rover
Cam had the pink range rover following his Lambo when he got shot, so he does still have it...but, the difference is Cam made it okay for dudes to wear pink while 5-0 is not making it cool to wear feminine tank tops.
Who Shot Cam'ron? By Del
Who Shot Cam'ron?
By Del Quentin Wilber and Stephen A. Crockett Jr.
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, November 18, 2005; A01
The crime should be easy to solve: A blinged-out rap star is shot in his royal blue $250,000 Lamborghini on a busy Washington street during Howard University's homecoming weekend. A half-dozen people witness the attack, including several members of the star's entourage, following him in a bubblegum-pink Range Rover.

pink range
"Although Cam has been synonymous with pink for the past couple of years, his affinity is slowly wearing off. He just sold his pink Range Rover on eBay for $160,000"--
he sold it jan '04
Cam also confirms in his
Cam also confirms in his Press Conference (the one talking about JayZ beef and the shooting) that they shot at his Lam and then shot at "his pink Range behind the Lam"... guess he got another one... or sold it to someone in BG

some1 in cams crew prob has a pink range that was followin cam when he got shot but cam sold his pink range n y would he buy another. the article said some1 in cams entourage in a pink range was followin cam in da lambo so da pink range aint camz.
This is what Im talking
This is what Im talking about- all I said was that it is now okay to wear pink, as in acceptable in today's mainstream society...I see businessmen on wall street wearing pink shirts, and hustlers on the corner rocking it... I highly doubt you will see a businessman rocking a girly gunit tank top.
this is the most pathetic
this is the most pathetic yet entertaining beef ive seen in hip hop in a while
now i really understand why nas said hip hop is dead, cause this is what we call beef in the game rofl
wtf is 50 and young buck wearing, i never seen a beef video with so much fuckin class its ridiculous
let me not even mention the fact that this whole shit stems from who 50 really should be beefin with....STYLES P, for AIRIN HIM OUT ON HOT 97, and 50 didnt do SHIT about that cause he can't fuck with a REAL lyricist.
Real talk- last line above.
Real talk- last line above.

Yo i'm sorry but that shit is to funny what street do you live on- no hustlers are rockin pink the only people that rocked pink were followers pink is homo and i know cam regrets it, that shit didnt last. cam was tryin to be a trend setter and its gayer than 50's wife beaters even though tose are gay to. Pa all Day!
haha im in NY...maybe dudes
haha im in NY...maybe dudes on the block arent wearing pink in PA, but here they sure do... take a ride thru Harlem.

nothing is gayier then a man wearin a skintight female tanktop then makin fun of a nigga wearin pink. hoes r attracted 2 pink so hoes gon b all ova a nigga wearin pink n if a hoe cz a nigga wearin female clothes she gon think dude is a faggot. but cam did get alot of str8 dudes wearin pink n bitches think dats shits hot so it works. atleast cam wears male clothes so he str8 n 50 wears transsexual clothing..lets put it dis way cam made it alright 4 men 2 wear pink n 50 made it alright 4 men 2 wear womans wear pink boxers over black panties anyday.
as gay as it gets
pimps been rockin pink way before cam. aint nothing gayer then a guy wearing a female tanktop. i used to rock pink back in high school when i was pullin hoes, the girls loveed that shit. but you aint never gonna catch me in a gay wife beater brazier, no girls find that attractive but lesbians and the girly guy in a gay relationship.
Real talk, except
I agree with you 100% except where you said, "the most ... entertaining beef ive seen in hip hop in a while".
I'm sorry but this shit is NOT entertaining. It's stupid, pointless, and a complete waste of time. The time I wasted watching these little "beef" videos I could have been cleaning my toilet, making my bed, or throwing out my trash.
Did u hear what happen to saigon and he came out of it with his chain back!!!!!
U pussy N@#$%gas id like to see cam and 50 have a brawl
But 50 doen't come out and cammron bizy sittin in side a giant pink pussy

well obviously cam already won cuz it took cam 1 day 2 come up wit a sick diss n its been 3 weeks n 50 didnt come up wit shit cept promoting bucks album n talkin a sentence bout cam. n 50 been sayin he can destroy cam n dipset n 50 been hypein up da beef but its already ova 50 aint made shit cam won n diss beef sucked i knew cam was gon murda 50 but i expected atleast a few mo disses between 50 n cam.
50 won
ok now first off both songs was wack funeral music and curtis and the shyt wit buck is ok now curtis was a wack dis track the only reason why niggas say its hot cause most of these dudes is probably from harlem or the bronx. any where else that shyt is wack the only hot thing about it is when he says 50's name and thats only hot cause it's funny at that its not that funny. and if you listen to the track with buck they're both talkin bout cam and dipset about poppin them niggas jus cause they aint say his name dont mean they aint say nothin about him ya'll fuckin idiots. me myself as a rapper all the tracks trash but 50 is winning right now cause his track are a lil more entertaining while the only thing cam'ron says thats entertaining is 50's government so before ya'll start jockin cam really listen to what he says then listen to what 50 says instead of jus likin cam's song cause he says that im from brooklyn and i be all over brooklyn and you could ask niggas in brooklyln or any other state whos winning they gon say 50. so what ya'll need to do is stop hatin

CAM won
this is not a diss man at all its a young buck track n if it is a diss den buck n 50 2 scared 2 mention names da only thing is at the end 50 talks sum shit. 50 is wack man im not hatin. 50 neva was anything in da game jus bitches love his music cuz dey can dance 2 it dats it jus club bangers. no real mc talent. he jus talks shit n hides n jada called him out 4 a mill n 50 pussied out n now 50 aint comein wit a diss back at cam cuz he got nothing 2 say bout cam....even if dis was a diss it took him 3 weeks 2 come wit diss weak shit! 50 lies when he raps r jus tells fairy tales. on da cam diss 50 jus stated bunch of opinions n made up shit on da 50 diss cam stated facts... so if u like listenin 2 bullshit u listen 2 50 or if u like listenin 2 real talk u listen 2 cam. i dunno how ne1 could think 50 is a threat or even a good mc his track record includes all club/pop bangers or trax 4 was hot underground n still has his original style.

yo bkslinky lisen to dank96 he knows wut hes talkin bout
and wut tha fuck is wit 50 signing in tha chorus ( jus like funeral music too) like fuck 50 this is a supose to be a diss track and u start signing....damn i dunno how any body could think 50 won this beef, cams track curtis i thought was hot too and it only took a couple days not 3 weeks lol

ok, here's why cam, styles,
ok, here's why cam, styles, and everyone that goes against 50 never comes out ahead of him after the beef: 50 is a business man, he has so much money in so many different places it's probably ridiculous. it took cam a few days to write curtis because cam cares about this beef, it puts his name out there and maybe helps him sell a little more. 50 is gonna sell no matter what people say about him, i mean look at it, he's a snitch, wears gay tanktops, isnt lyrical and actually is really corny. but he still sells, when he drops later this year he'll sell and not like a mil or two, like i would say in between 5-10. cam won't even go 500,000. i love styles but what did time is money do? the game wasted a year of his life dissin 50 tryin to make him look bad. i mean it helped game out a lot, actually it saved his career. but it didn't do a thing to 50. you go anywhere in the WORLD, people know 50, leave new york and ask the average consumer who styles is, people only know cam through roc-a-fella when he had that come home with me jumpoff, ask somebody what his last single was, i love hip-hop and i don't even know. the point is this: everyone talks about respect and thats what these beefs are for, they're not. they help put your name out there and sell a little more. name the last credible diss that came out when the rapper didn't have an album dropping that year. i think 50 said it best when he said "anybody say money didn't change them, they just didn't make enough." i'm not a g-unit dick rider, actually i don't like most of the camp outside of buck, but these are the facts, and you have to respect them.
But lets talk record sales
I agree that 50 will just sell records because he is so commercial/mainstream.. everyone knows about him... BUT, Cam has never sold UNDER 500,000 ON ANY what are you really saying Cam won't sell 500k?

That is not a Cam diss
Thats cut was out wayyyyy before that Cam stuff cool vid cool song.
its considered a diss cuz of
its considered a diss cuz of the shit 50 says about cam
"Cam Won"?............. ur wylin!!!
yo, its crazy how nobody realizes this song is hot. i know i'm not the only one, thats why i know yall haters........ damn
vid is wack
the song aint that bad but i got 2 problems with the video
1. it dont go with the song
2. i am laughing at this shit. he goes from making a video in his garage to making one in his basement/backyard. it just looks really unprofessional

yooo thats crazy
yo these dudes are still sayin its cool to wear pink- fuck outta here. I've never took a ride through harlem i have no need to im gettin money in philly always have always will. I dunno weve all seen the video tape of cam watchin jimmy get his assed whooped. Maybe thats what you guys go for maybe its cool to wear pink and watch your boys get chased around and fucked up. But come through my hood come through tasker st. or a few blocks down to sigel st. I gaurentee no one is wearin pink. if beans started wearin pink i'd be real upset

jimmy got jumped by a bunch of dudes n jimmy aint no bruce lee any1 bein jumped by a bunch of pussies who cant fight 1 on 1 is gon get dey ass whooped cam aint want nutthin prob cuz cam on probation n cam aint wanna goto jail. man most of da guys in da 80s early 90s were wearin those funkin pink purple shirts like from kani an shit u act like cam is da 1st rapper 2 wear pink. cam jus brought dat style back cuz cam always sez he 80s. well in ny n cali dudes wear pink n ny n cali is basically 90% of da rap game. do dudes wear g-unit tanktops on yo block?

yo dank let it go cuz you
yo dank let it go cuz you sound rediculous- and i can tell the way you talk you aint from harlem you just try to act cool on a fuckin website you some dude from the burbs frontin just cause you type in ebonics and you cant type for shit dont mean anyone takes you seriously. First off 90 % of rappers rite now are not from n y and cali. If you listen to rap you would know the south is runnin shit. you forgot about them and who cares about the 80's and 90's dudes use to wear mesh tank tops and starter hats should cam bring that shit back to haha young bol - also if you were from harlem you aint reppin it rite. i'm on probation rite now and ill never watch none of my boys get rolled on im swingin at men women children i dont give a fuck if my mans on the ground everybody around can get it.

yo dank let it go cuz you
yo dank let it go cuz you sound rediculous- and i can tell the way you talk you aint from harlem you just try to act cool on a fuckin website you some dude from the burbs frontin just cause you type in ebonics and you cant type for shit dont mean anyone takes you seriously. First off 90 % of rappers rite now are not from n y and cali. If you listen to rap you would know the south is runnin shit. you forgot about them and who cares about the 80's and 90's dudes use to wear mesh tank tops and starter hats should cam bring that shit to haha young bol also if you were from harlem you aint reppin it rite. i'm on probation rite now and ill never watch none of my boys get rolled on im swingin at men women children i dont give a fuck if my mans on the ground everybody around can get it.

yo st patrick, ny n cali run rap
i neva said im from harlem man u got shit twisted. n bout 90% of rappers r from ny n cali u dont make ne sense u say south runnin shit so u think all da ny n cali rappers quit or died. besides a few south rappers da south runnin sequence dancing thats bout it man da hottest rappers r , been, n always will be from ny. my shit aint biased either im from da west i jus kno hip hop. south runnin commercial rap n movies. south is all bout hooks dancin n beats. wayne is da only 1 holdin down south lyrically. u still on da brawl dat happen a long ass time ago aight man if u love jail soo much den u can go back whenever u want shit it aint hard...n jimmy didnt get his ass kicked jimmy came out wit no scars or nething n security broke it up so wat was cam gon do get in a few swings den secriuty gon break it up right away n cam gon risk goin 2 jail from a few swings when jimmy didnt even get hurt. dats stupid if da fight wasnt in public shit woulda went down differently but who fights in public in front of secruity when dey know secruity gon break it up dat shit stupid...dem niggas was jus tryin 2 show off real quick das it. plus if cam woulda don sumthin lil cease would snitched 2 his parole officer cuz cease has it on video n cam woulda been out so rell zekey n cam would been in jail n wit cam in jail there aint no dipset. n i aint actin cool nigga u dont know me bitch im real talk u jus mad cuz u speak sum bullshit n cant back shit up. n like its been said pimps been rockin pink so u gon call a pimp gay when pimps got hundreds of hoes payin dem money n fuck thousands of bitches a pimp is bout as far away from gay as possible so u can stop hatin cuz ur juz talkin bullshit man.
"i'd be real upset" -irishmafia
getting upset about the color another dudes shirt is. thats almost as gay as wearing a homo tank top. shit i think it might even be gayer since you getting emotional about it. since when do guys wear their clothes to impress other guys. maybe over on tasker st and sigel st they do that, but i hope its just your gay ass. someone from philly better get on this post and murder this kid cause he's makin your hood look homo.
Cam Sucks
WTF. G-Unit Won This Battle B4 It Has Begun.
The Only Songs Cam Sound Good On R His R&B Songs. 50 will Kill Him Wit His Lyrics!

wat lyrics does 50 have?
is 50 gon kill cam wit his in da club lyrics? maybe 50 gon ask cam 20 questions? or is 50 gon do da electric slide in a disco infero? maybe he gon write another track wanksta II bout himself again or is he gon tell cam dat cam is so seductive n sing 2 cam in harlem better yet 50 might go old skool n write a track dissin rakim n b.i.g. n snitchin on every hustler in ny. all 50s trax r club/pop hits or r&b songs wit 50 singin it took 50 3 weeks 2 come at cam wit a few words about cams pink range dat cam sold over 3 years ago. haha whats next 50 gon make fun of cam 4 breast feeding n wearin diapers when cam was 2 monthes old. 50 has no lyrics when game killed 50 wit his bars 50 went sayin he can only write 16s cuz he has 2 write his shit cuz he cant freestyle nuthin. 50 didnt even come up wit a diss track yet cuz cam hurt his feelings so he's bein counseled by em.

Harlem aint lookin bad! U lookin wack mofucka 5-0!!!
Lyrics? 50 aint got shit!!! He's only good for the bridge and the chorus..
Fuck 5-0!
Haaaarlem son, cam's makin Harlem proud, be sure about that bitch..Noone here stands by u!
You the one makin Harlem laugh!!! You makin the connecticut g's look bad, punk ass nigga!!
Dipset nigga, Uptown Harlem street movement. destroy that if you can hoe!!!

yo dank let it go cuz you
yo dank let it go cuz you sound rediculous- and i can tell the way you talk you aint from harlem you just try to act cool on a fuckin website you some dude from the burbs frontin just cause you type in ebonics and you cant type for shit dont mean anyone takes you seriously. First off 90 % of rappers rite now are not from n y and cali. If you listen to rap you would know the south is runnin shit. you forgot about them and who cares about the 80's and 90's dudes use to wear mesh tank tops and starter hats should cam bring that shit to haha young bol also if you were from harlem you aint reppin it rite. i'm on probation rite now and ill never watch none of my boys get rolled on im swingin at men women children i dont give a fuck if my mans on the ground everybody around can get it.
CC Yo everyone let it go
Yo everyone let it go these 2 ain't beefin it is just publicity.
Plus they both suck... ppl talking bout how bad 50 is w/ lyrics, but 50 > Cam.
Cam hasn't been HOT since "C.O.F." and he hasnt been hot since "Come Home With Me"
No one in here can honsestly say they did not bump "Get Rich or Die Trying" unitl they had to buy another copy. You are a liar if you say that album wasn't hot.
Then for ppl. on the Mixtape Circuit Early G-Unit Radio mixtapes were hot also.

get rich by liein
when dat shit came out ppl bought it cuz dude acted hard n no1 knew who he really was so dey bought his talk cuz dis nigga must b gangsta he got shot n he say he smoke n get fuked up. then when curtis jackson got exposed n people realized 50 cent was jus a made up cartoon character he lost his male listeners cuz his shit was fake ass hell n 50 knew it. they found out 50 got shot 4 snitchin n in his 1st album he tried 2 get famous by mentioning names, beefin n snitchin. so 50 had 2 attract ppl who would listen so he changed his gangsta imagie 2 r&b singin so alll da girls listen 2 50 n there r mo bitches den niggas in da world so he gon sell..aint no bitch wanna listen 2 gangsta music n bitches dont bootlegg r anythin so dey all buy 50 albums n 50 goes multiplatnium. n cam aint a cartoon character im not sayin he gangsta but he harder den 50 n cam got more street hits den 50 will ever have. 50 is da fakest rapper 2 ever come out cam def got mo lyrics den 50. haha n 50 made up fake trax wit pac n big 2 help him wit da beef wit ja. shit man if all ur lyrics is fake den sci fi book authors n film writers would b da best rappers cuz dey have dat imaginary mind n shit but dey all dorky lookin so no1 would buy dey image but dey can b good ghost writers. "rappers rap real n poets tell u what ur lifes like" if u aint doin either ur neither.

thats wut u think man
50 cant make videos in ny cuz aint no1 from da street wanna b seen wit 50 cam made his video in da hood wit buncha niggas talkin shit bout 50 so da street dont think cam a joke n they think 50 a jus say u aint like cam daz enuff cuz u gon judge a nigga based on nutthin im judgin 50 cuz dey facts.

hahahaha yo these dudes are
hahahaha yo these dudes are funny yo jayb dont ever let tasker or sigel st or any other street in philly come out your mouth- cause you wouldnt ride through this mutha fucka with your windows up doors locked. and i aint mad about the whole pink thing it is what it is pink is for bitches i seen a couple dudes in philly tryin that shit but it aint last. your just tryin to convince yourself its cool cause you tried to rockit and regret it still. why is yall talkin bout pimps and shit that has nothing to do with this. and dank you spend so much time on these post acting hard i know you aint doin nothin. You be postin a comment on every mixtape video and single i just be bullshitin checkin this page out from time to time. And why you on here always acting like you knows these rappers and shit you dont know whats goin on none of us do its all media hype for all these dudes to try and get some change. your on here like "50 did this to do this then cam did this to do this dadadadadaddaaa shut the fuck up." stop tryin to kick knowledge. and rite now the south is tuff musically no i dont like to always admit it im from the east coast. 90 % of the artist huh whos hot from the west i aint talkin bout no, no named dudes from your hood. Snoop- a legend, Game- hahahaha he's worser than g-unit. Dre- one of my favorites you gotta come with a lot more to make up 90 percent of the rap game. theres more rappers in atl then on the whole west coast rite now im talkin. there are plenty of legends from the west much respect to the west but im talkin rite now

u still bullshittin man
1st u sez u aint ever seen a nigga wearin pink in philly now u sayin u seen dudes rockin pink n b4 u hatin on pink now u sez u aint mad at it. ur confused man. i check out every mixtape, single, or video its my entertainment like sports n tv n shit so if i c some1 postin sum stupid shit i gotta set a nigga str8 dats wat postin shit about.look at u man u spendin some much time respondin 2 my knowledge. i was respondin 2 a nigga sayin pink is gay n i sez y it aint as gay as g-unit state trooper tank tops.n u went from hatin on pink 2 likin pink so my nigga i jus let u know wat it is. u talk jus as much as me so i think u need lay off cuz u aint mad at pink no mo. i sez 90% from ny n cali mo r obviously east then west n east n west bout 90%. wat u mean rite now man, dat makes no sense all da living rappers still rap dey aint retire man they multiple...if u talkin bout wats on commercials den yea south got dey dance music n dey crunk music takin ova but i neva listen 2 da radio so i dont pay attention 2 yo rap boy bands. all da solo mixtapes out r from rappers from either cali or ny cept weezys. if u talkin bout newest artists den ny alone gots bout 80% of da new rappers every1 from da south dats hot been rappin since da 90s...wat u callin new since 2000 or 1990 n wat u call a hot artist like d4l franchise boys mike jones n all the other lame radio play trix cuz i cant think of a new south artist dats hot. every hot rapper been out for years.
why is everyone hatin on dank? He's one of the few on here actually saying anything that has real meaning to it...
and cats are still bringing up Rucker Park?? haha, come on..u aint ever take a few shots from some1.. you aint never been in a fight...

tru.. tru..
- 50 Cent - Funeral Music (Cam'Ron DISS)
- Dutty Laundry Presents Big Stacksss - I'll Never Tell
- Video: DJ Ill Will, DJ Rockstar, K-Young & Yung Berg - The Dream Team (Money Can't Buy Love) (Mixtape Trailer)
- Video: Ron Paul Studio Session With A-Mafia
- Video: Ron Paul - Get Away (Trailer)
- T.I. - F*ck A Mixtape (Trailer)
- Video: Ron Paul Interview
- Lil Wayne - Eat You Alive
- Ron Paul Radio Interview On The Hi Hater Show
- Wale - More About Nothing (Mixtape Trailer)
- 2 tracks off DJ P Exclusivez & Big Stacksss - Stacks On Deck 2
- Big Hud - Big Boi Mu$ik 2 (Hosted By DJ Bay Bay)
cool video, too bad the song
cool video, too bad the song is trash...