50 Cent - Fully Loaded Clip
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sick as fuck, any1 hating on
sick as fuck, any1 hating on this song is a game dickrider or a g-unit hater.. cuz man this song is off the chain. I think im gonna actually buy this Album, as long as there is no candy shop crap on it..
50 really is on his last leg on this one. tryign to sound hardcore again but this track truly licks balls. the guy sounds like a retard trying to speak. he's got no flow anymore and really has no spittin talent
yea seriously im not hating
yea seriously im not hating on 50 or w/e but its really not that good. just cuz it sounds like he's goin in so hard, all u guys are surpised.
"im still in the hood"... i guess if u consider Connecticut ur hood. GO TO QUEENS AND C WAT HAPPENS!!
"im still in the hood"... i guess if u consider Connecticut ur hood. GO TO QUEENS AND C WAT HAPPENS!!
Shut the hell up.
I'd like to see you step a foot in Queens.
Always whinning, Always complaining.
how about you go back to the R&B pages, and start complaining to those people.
Every mixtape that comes out you feel its your duty to bitch about it.
how about u shut the fuck up
how about u shut the fuck up instead of trying to start shit over the internet. Am i making songs saying im in the hood? no, so don't tell me to take a step in one. if ur having a bad day or ur PMSing then just tell me i'll forgive u. if not then just keep ur mouth closed and stop trying to act like a tough guy cuz i state my opinion. Y IS THERE SO MANY ANNOYING FUCKIN HATERS ON THIS SITE NOW! U CANT SAY SHIT WITHOUT GETTING VERBALLY RAPED. EVERYONE CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
Kids these days...
i kinda liked the simplicity of the beat,the funny hook, and the i dont give a fuck style. This would have been the shit back in 95.
Good Shyt!!!
Hmmm.... Don't know what to say about this??? It sounds like he is back on that 50 cent..."I RUN IT" ...gotta love it if your mindset is on his lifestyles...feelin it but still gotta hear more...worth the download.... see he calling out names...but doesn't really come at anyone...just lets us know that while they was sleeping he was working....

Fuck This song son
Damn homes, some fools don't care if 50 serves up shit like this, cause officer Curtis knows his dick riding fans will eat right up. Fuck 50 Cent homie.

still lyin
50 aint been in da hood since he got shot den stabbed. y he feeds his loyal fans lies no1 will know. y yall buy off his lies no1 will know either. 50 aint cook or gram shit up since he snitched so he gots 2 stop puttin his name infront of his rhymes. but i think i figured 50 out. 50 thinks hes superman cuz like clark, curtis is a big dork dat no1 likes den curtis made dis 50 cent character of some1 he wishes he was. dats all it is even russell simmons said rap is supposed 2 be real talk n 50 playin make belive.

dik ryder?
yall keep callin people haters n dick riders like its da cool thing 2 do n yall dont even make sense wit it. if ur a guy n unless ur name is richard, dick should not b comin out yo mouth unless u askin a female 2 play wit yours. im not researchin nething its been made public. so wat u sayin if lil romeo n bow wow made a song bout killin niggas sellin crack n dat dey r da best out den i should jus listen 2 da song n 4get bout who dey r? awight den lets all listen 2 kfed n justin rap n ruin hip hops credibility. since da beginning of rap raps been real talk. raps like poetry lettin it all out n tell real life stories n tellin it how it is. den u got 50 tellin u he's dis scarface/2pac character. its cool if u tellin stories or bout other people n shit but 50 sez i do dis i did that. but go head n pretend 50 is dis gangster ass nigga dat no1 can fuck wit n ill c u someday on my flying pig n invite u 2 my floating mansion n we can hang out wit dinosaurs n cavemen.
Dank96 wrote:so wat u sayin
credibility is an illusion. part of the business plan to get naive people to buy the music not because they like the music but because they like the image of the person that made it. Then there are those that attack and try to destroy that illusion(credibility) in an attempt to increase their own credibility(rap battles). if the bow wow/lil romeo kfed/jt song sounded good to you then yes you should listen to it. If you didn't like it then no you shouldn't listen to it. since the beginning rap has never been based on "real talk". Rap has always been about talk that sounds good and is appealing. If you think someone that makes music is a gangster then you don't know the meaning of the word. Sure they might have been a gangster at some time in their life, but if their selling music and exposing themselves to everyone, then they no longer fall under that category. The only "real talk" is #1sounding good, and #2saying things that interest the people listening. If your your listening to the music for any other reason, such as the image of the person that made it, then your just part of the marketing ploy.

no i dont think all rappers should or haveta b gangsters. but if a rapper sayin he is n acts like he is he should b otherwise hes a lyin hoe n gon get his ass whooped if he gets checked. dats y dese studio gangsters move 2 suburbs n walk around wit about a dozen bodygurds. i dont like a bullshitter im sure u dont like people dat keep lyin 2 yo face all da time. n dats wat 50 constantly does. haha ud honestly listen 2 justin kfed n other lil pricks dat act hard n think dey big time hoodlums? romeo acts like he came from da gutter n he so hood when his daddy was once 1 of da richest black men n da richest rapper out. if dey want dey all should make music but should def not b talkin bout slanging crack killin people or other bogus shit dey aint never done or seen in dey lifes. da experince dey have in dat scene is watchin john singleton n spike lee movies.
hah when u said russel simmons i thought u were talkin about me. i was like damn i knew i was famous but not THAT famous!

ur name is really russel
ur name is really russel simmons?
no... but i thought u were
no... but i thought u were referring to me when u said russelsimmons, cuz how else would u refer to me?

tru dat, next time ill jus
tru dat, next time ill jus say def jam co founder creator of phat farm runs brother Russell Simmons who does not have an account on mixtapetorrent.com.
well i guess, thats fine
well i guess, thats fine with me...
50 rocks and will always give u some more

some of the same shit that
some of the same shit that he's always thrown in our faces
and I stay high and I still got my diploma and I still get that maggie on me like homer

man 50 for a minute there
man 50 for a minute there was played out none believable and just corny- (and he is still all that) but if he keeps makin songs like this ill buy his next album just bob my head and pretend its someone else rapping cause this fuckin beat is hard. but he shouldnt be talkin about muah muah kissin' cause these rappers he's naming may have girls but thats ok to have a girl- but its not cool for him to make an album like his last he was the one making club songs and talkin all that sweet shit on half the album. but like i said he puts 17 more tracks like this on a cd i'll buy it @ target when its $9.99
The one thing that gets to
The one thing that gets to me bout fifty is that he does music SOLELY for money.now that could sound obvious outta context cos we no EVERY rapper in the game is about money... but when fifty recently said shit like "i been analysin what sells and its all bout the party music.mims did it, rich boy did it etc,thats why south is so big,cos they do party music". he also quoted mims sayin "it dont matter bout the lyrics,yall can sell music if its banging".i dont know bout yall but i aint buying shit if it got weak lyrics cos that shit will get played out fast (any1 actually cop mims or richboy album?). my fav rappers are dudes from pap and nas to even dudes like rhymefest and jin(lol) BUT MY POINT IS that for fifty to say "fuck it,im gona make party music cos that is whats selling.nas joint was wack cos nobody wants that old boring lyrical shit etc" . I mean in history we gon look back and see Nas as a hiphop elite, who recognises the lack of lyricism today and sets off do sumthin,while 50 jumps on the bandwagon to make more money-at the expense of the roots of hiphop.
I no he aint the most lyrical dude anyway, and he's got a way of makin fuckin crack music that no matter how much i dont like him i fuckin love it.
sorry long post, cant be fucked re-readin/organisin so if ive said sumthin crazy then get at me.this aint hater post neither so wd appreciate no hatin.aiite 1.
Haterz sit down
You people are funny wanna hate on a nigga talking like being in the hood is a good thing.... If I had 50 dough I wouldnt be in the fucking hood either.... what the fuck for.... niggaz from the hood is trying to get out and when they do they aint trying to catch a fucking case over some dumb shit.... yall muther fuckers is mostly little fucking kids talking that dumb shit...bottom line is this nigga 50 is a hustler and most hood niggaz aint buying albums... its the white people and bitches so him making that last album was going at bitches it wasnt intended for you bitch ass niggaz that just download shit.... "think like a business man react like a gangsta".... 50 was that nigga that would come up to you and go in your pockets.... Real Niggaz from queens know what it is....and on one final note Fuck dipset buncha pink banging bunnies.... only real nigga on dip is hell

whoaa whoaa thats alright
whoaa whoaa thats alright bra calm down calm down. your workin with a good point. i agree with you that no one with these guys money need to or do or ever have done dirt in the streets. im a positive person i believe in movin foward bein from philly growin up we always heard how will smith forgot his roots. but he didnt forget shit he was a good kid not sellin drugs or fightin or any of that bullshit not a hustla just a good person tryin to do good for him and his peoples. he dont owe his hood shit yeah i believe he should donate money to his schools and neighborhood all that and its easy for me to say id spend all this money on the hood but you dont know. will smith told us what he was about he didnt cus he was a positive role model and a smart man who believed in progress he dont owe no one shit. (oh yeah and dont get it twisted will smith would battle the shit outta anyone in the day. im talkin real freestyle not written raps.) and 50 is the same he did what he had to do to get outta his hood.but fifty does all these magazine articles, movies, radio interviews whatever and he's always talkin somethin different he is in the hood hes not in the hood he sells drugs he doesnt sell drugs and i know all these rappers lie about what they do its just to sell records but he has talked so much shit you dont believe anything he says. he did it to himself. and we all no who buys records buddy thanks for the revalation. does that mean he should go make a song like mc hammer and do the hammer dance across stage come on man.
yea but this was 50's past
yea but this was 50's past of doin this shit, just like EVERY other rapper that got rich off rap, they rap about how hard they were when they were poor in the hood, the shit they say they will do to u now (like pop at u with the fully loaded clip n all that shit) is just a load of bullshit. its not like u ever hear of any rappers killing rappers, only time u hear a killin is in the hood with the poor ass gangstas that got nothing to lose. i agree with u that cam n jim n them wouldnt do shit cuz they got money now n they dont wanna risk jail just to kill a dude. but yea i agree guys like hell rell n 40 cal n jr n shit they're the "real niggas". but anyway its just like any other rapper, once u start gettin money u turn soft. i mean im not saying theres no exceptions to that (there obviously is) but majority of these guys, thats what happens. look at how fucking rich 50 cent is, u think he will actually load up his clip n shoot ppl? hell no he doesnt wanna risk all the riches he's got just to show everyone how hard or gangsta he keeps it. but yea lol idk about "pink bangin bunnies" but cam n jim who made bangers n got rich are not bout to pop anyone. but that isnt a reason not to listen to them is it? u dont have to be hard as hell to listen to a rapper.
Too True.
Minus that Dipset Part

1st off dats fine wit 50 but he has 2 stop actin like he still in da hood slangin n shit cuz if can never go there witout a posse or bodyguards. he still tells people in raps that hes in da hood n shit dats nothin but bullshit so fuk dat nigga lyin n livin in da past. hahaha but da hilirious part is u call people haters who dont like 50 but give u good reasons n outta da blue u say fuck dipset n easter bunnies. hahah dawg i think haterz sit down was a statement talkin 2 yo self n others like u. u should b hatein on 50 even mo den cuz he wears female tanktops n patented it. dats way gayer den wearin pink, well dat makes 50 gay or a transvestite haha dat picture of him on gq sums it all up. pimps n hugh hefner wear pink all da time n dey r farrr from gay.

good song but its like "this is 50" of the massacre without the strings and singin and don't take the lyrics serious it will make you laugh 6/10 <---
lol for real - first
lol for real - first comments i read on hhg.com were bout how he's back to the hood shit from before get rich, and i was like what?? how the fuck can that be when this shit sounds SO similar to that massacre joint!?

what a f***ing b**** hes
what a f***ing b****
hes lost beef with game jada and now cam and now jas coming back
nice career 50

naw man
if da only thing u heard was curtis u needta start usin better qtips. cam was real on da track n da lyrics went hard n spoke facts on 50. 50 jus said dat he can do dis n do dat but dats jus his imagination n he didnt destroy cam or dipset like he said he was. so yeah cam def won. cam embarassed 50. 50 always said how much he liked juelz n jimmy n juelz n jimmy said fuck 50 so dat made 50 look like a bitch. so 50 knows he cant make a good diss on cam so he started talkin acouple words after a buck track. cam won dat shit 2 fukkin easily.
50 cent vs russelldahustla lets get it
- DJ White Owl & 50 Cent - Fully Loaded
- Loso Loaded - Bases Loaded Fully
- J-Love & 50 Cent: Bulletproof Pt. 4
- 50 Cent - Aggresive Content
- Bizkit Presents 50 Cent & Kanye West - 9/11 Hip-Hop Heroes
- Superstar Jay & Big T: Rapformers
- Souletric Beats Presents Bob Marley And 50 Cent - Jamaica Kings (Mixed By DJ Jack Da Rippa)
- Kochece & 50 Cent - The Incredible Hulk
- DJ Noodles - Shadyville Season (Hosted By Tony Yayo)
- Sinister Shan Presents - The Best 50 Cent Mixtape Ever Made
- Loaded Lux - You Gon Get This Work (Reloaded) (Hosted By Shaq)
- Loaded Lux - Get Ya Tapes Ready (Hosted By Kid Capri)
Hard Shit!!!!
This what im talking about famo, 50 keeping it real hard wit da sick beat, hes album gonna be a bomb, its gonna blow off all other albums on da shelfs....Wad Up!!
Stop Hating And You'll might Learn Little Something Bitch Ass Nigga!!